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Viscountess Boudica’s Christmas

December 28, 2024
by the gentle author

Our dearly beloved Viscountess Boudica was evicted from her flat in Bethnal Green in 2016 and moved to Uttoxeter, be we still remember her fondly every Christmas.

Let it be said that if anyone in the East End knew how to keep the spirit of Christmas, it was the Viscountess Boudica of Bethnal Green. At this time of year, her tiny flat near Columbia Rd was transformed into a secret Winter Wonderland where the visitor might forget the chill of the gloomy streets outside and enter a realm of magic, fantasy and romance in which the Viscountess held court like a benevolent sprite or fairy godmother, celebrating the season of goodwill in her own inimitable style.

Boudica had already been at work for weeks when I arrived with my camera to capture the Christmas spectacle for your delight, yet she was still putting the finishing touches to her display even as I walked through the door. “You see these bells?” she said, reaching up to add them to the colourful forest of paper decorations suspended from the ceiling, “I bought them in Woolworths  in Tottenham for 45p in 1984. When I think of all the people they have looked down upon – if only these bells could talk, they’ve seen it all!”

Evidence of the season was apparent wherever I turned my eyes, from the illuminated coloured trees that filled each corner – giving the impression that the room was actually a woodland glade – to the table where Boudica was wrapping her gifts and writing cards, to the corner where a stack of festive records awaited her selection, to the innumerable Christmas knick-knacks and figures that crowded every surface, and the light-up reindeer outside in the garden, glimpsed discreetly through the net curtains. “This is thirty years worth of collecting,” she explained, gesturing to the magnificent display enfolding us, “that set of lights is older than I am.”

In common with many, this is an equivocal time for Viscountess Boudica who does not have happy childhood memories of Christmas. “It was hell,” she admitted to me frankly, “We didn’t have any money to buy presents and, in our family, Christmas was always when fights and arguments would break out. The reason I have so many decorations now is to make up for all the years when I didn’t have any.” Yet Boudica remembers small acts of kindness too. “The local shops used to save me their balloons and give me scraps of fabric that I used to make clothes for the kittens in the barn – and that was the beginning of me making my own outfits,” she recalled fondly.

“People should remember what it’s all about,” Boudica assured me, linking her own childhood with the Christian narrative, “It’s about a little boy who didn’t have a home. They should think of others and remember there’s poor people here in Bethnal Green.” Naturally, I asked the Viscountess if she had a Christmas message for the world and, without a second thought, she came to back to me with her declaration –  “Be kind to each other and get rid of discrimination!”

Boudica contemplates her Christmas listening – will it be Andy Williams or Jim Reeves this year?

“Whenever I hang up these bells, I think of all the people they have looked down upon over the years”

Wrapping up her gifts.

Filling her stocking

Nollaig Shona Dhaoibh!

Drawings copyright © Viscountess Boudica

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8 Responses leave one →
  1. Marcia Howard permalink
    December 28, 2024

    I trust Viscountess Boudica of Bethnal Green is still well and thriving. Bethnal Green’s loss is Uttoxeter’s gain. Wishing ALL here the very best for the coming year.

  2. Annie S permalink
    December 28, 2024

    I hope you’re well Viscountess and you had a nice Christmas, sending very best wishes for the New Year to you x

  3. Boudicca Fawkes permalink
    December 28, 2024

    A very happy Christmas to you all in London and all over thee world even though in uttoxeter hasn’t worked out as fore our blog it sadly no more but we are on Facebook to everyone at spittle fields life wyvh such great stories have a great Christmas tyde to you all

  4. December 28, 2024

    *** MERRY CHRISTMAS! ***
    *** JOYEUX NOËL! ***

    I hope dear Viscountess Boudica and her husband Guido had a Merry Christmas in Uttoxeter and I send all good wishes for 2025!

    Love & Peace

  5. Eva Radford permalink
    December 28, 2024

    What a joyful spirit! Thank you for introducing me to her.

  6. Rosa permalink
    December 28, 2024

    I was thinking about Boudica the other day – it being Christmas I suppose – and I am so very glad & relieved that she has dropped by to say hello to us here.
    Boudica is memorable to me for her overflowing, generous & life afirming creativity, her exceptional imagination – unmistakably that of a true artist – her eye for colour & arresting style & for her bravery & strength of character in being herself despite the narrow, backwards looking, cruel attitudes & systems that have become an increasing blight on our lives.
    Few would have the guts!
    True individuals like Boudica are a vital & important ingredient for a wise & healthy society.

    I am sorry Boudica that Utoxeter is not treating you with the care & respect which is your due.
    I know that I am not the only person who appreciates ‘meeting’ you on the Gentle Author’s site via stunning photographs & illuminating accounts.
    I wish you strength & better, happier days ahead.

  7. Cherub permalink
    December 29, 2024

    Boudica’s trees and decorations fill me with joy, so bright and colourful!

  8. Debra. E. Sewell permalink
    December 30, 2024

    Is Miss Viscoutness still with us and have even small celebrations in new flat? Please update us on her..Always brightens Christmas joy.

    thank you


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