Bishopsgate Bicycles, 1896
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The plethora of bicycle shops around Spitalfields today is not a new phenomenon as confirmed by this 1896 catalogue for The Metropolitan Machinists’ Co, reproduced courtesy of the Bishopsgate Institute
Images courtesy Bishopsgate Institute
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I am no cyclist- I was once nearly smashed between, oddly enough, two identical Volkswagen vans, each turning in opposite directions, imagine that, haven’t been on a saddle since, but, just imagine finding a treasure trove of antique impedimenta, in perfect condition, such as those displayed in the 1896 catalogue for The Metropolitan Machinists’ Company. To examine, hold, feel, and yes, even sniff such antiquities would be a fascinating experience.
But not so fascinating as to incite heaving myself up on two wheels ever again.
In 1896, when my grandfather was born, solid technology still existed. And some of the offerings back then would still be innovative today, like the transparent gear case or the bronze bike stand.
Love & Peace
I am guessing that we will not be seeing too much of that kit on the current Tour de France, but how I wish all cyclists in this country had a bell (as they are legally required to have) and actually used it when sharing paths with pedestrians.
Eth?, I’m just orf down the bicycle shorp for some solution for repairin’ these ‘ere new fangled pneumatic tyre things. Only four pence a tube don’tcher know. See you soon, cheery by and toodle pip!