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Nicholas Borden’s Stoke Newington Paintings

September 5, 2024
by the gentle author

Our crowdfund remains open until 10th September





Stoke Newington Old Church


I am delighted to announce a new exhibition by favourite painter Nicholas Borden and you are all invited to the opening at Everyday Sunshine Gallery, 49 Barbauld Rd, Stoke Newington, N16 0RT next Thursday 12th September from 6:30pm.

Through the past year, painter Nicholas set up his easel on the streets of Stoke Newington to produce a series of vibrant urban landscapes, transforming familiar scenes with his bold palette and dynamic compositions.

A graduate of the Royal College of Art, for the past decade Nicholas has been painting outdoors in the East End, manifesting the spontaneous life of the streets with consummate painterly ease, delighting in the quirky geometry and the curious divergent perspectives of the urban grain.

The spontaneous quality of Nicholas’ elegant pictures belies their sophisticated technique yet – more significantly – they display a joy in the medium which grants them a visceral, irresistibly sensuous appeal as paintings.


Clissold House

‘People outside and walking in the winter light’

Clissold Skate Park

Rose & Crown

Mind Charity Shop, Church St

‘The beautiful deep ultramarine blue used on the front contrasts with the warm orange and cadmium yellow of the interior’

The Auld Shillelagh

Church St Corner

Coffee House

‘This looks hip and clean from the outside. I hope I actually get to visit when there is a spare moment’

The Spence

Olive House, Church St

‘the overgrown hydrangeas are wonderful’

Cobbled Yard

Sutton House

Kynaston Allotment

‘Modestly and almost secretly positioned off the High St, these beautifully maintained little vegetable patches are looked after all hours of the day’

Brett Close


Football Training in Victoria Park

‘Sunday league football is highly competitive’

Healthy Produce at the Farmers’ Market

‘Arrived here on a suggestion and was pleasantly surprised at the wealth of choice in healthy food’

Park With Swings

‘The almost flatness of the shapes and composition were my key fascination while working on this painting’

Yellow House, Neville Rd

‘The yellow frontage with the steps in the sunlight, painted one quiet morning when no-one was around’

Yorkshire Grove

‘A bit of colour in a challenging world. I came across this housing block whilst first visiting the area and the red frontage immediately grabbed my attention’

Red House

Farmer’s Market Stall

‘This painting was done in the colder winter months’

Canal Bridge

‘Painted in the last few winter months’

Blue Barge

Park Tavern

‘This fine pub in Victoria Park through trees in bright winter sunshine’

London Fields

‘This a place I have known for a large part of my life. A friend who lives nearby who told me that people stay all night there in the summer because no one locks it up after dark’

Victoria Park

Snowy Scene on the Roman Rd

Snowy Garden

Paintings copyright © Nicholas Borden


You may also like to take a look at

Twenty New Paintings by Nicholas Borden

Nicholas Borden’s Lockdown Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s Latest Paintings

Catching Up With Nicholas Borden

Nicholas Borden, Artist

Nicholas Borden’s East End View

Nicholas Borden’s Winter Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s Spring Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s New Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s Recent Paintings

7 Responses leave one →
  1. Justine permalink
    September 5, 2024

    These paintings made me feel joyful for the first time in a long time…

  2. Jill Wilson permalink
    September 5, 2024

    What lovely joyful paintings to cheer up this glooomy day! Thank you Nicholas

  3. Eva permalink
    September 5, 2024

    What delightful, wonderful paintings so full of life and colour. Thank you and long may you go on painting, Wish we could come to your exhibition but sadly we no longer live in either London or the UK .

  4. Katy permalink
    September 5, 2024

    I really like his work: the buildings, people and trees and such colourfulness.

  5. September 5, 2024

    The exuberance of these images and colors totally made my day.
    These are masterful paintings; totally instinctive and from the heart.
    Thank you for shining a light, GA.

  6. Marcia Howard permalink
    September 5, 2024

    Bright and cheerful colours of these paintings brighten up what has been a very wet and overcast day where I am

  7. Sarah Coles permalink
    September 5, 2024

    The life and zest in these paintings knocks me over!

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