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More Furniture Trade Cards Of Old London

January 15, 2022
by the gentle author

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Since I published a selection of furniture trade cards that might have been found in the secret drawer of a hypothetical cabinet in the eighteenth century, it is my pleasure to show this further selection discovered stashed behind a plate on the top shelf of a hypothetical alcove.

6 Responses leave one →
  1. Hetty Startup permalink
    January 15, 2022

    I love it when you share examples of the trade cards that you have studied over the years in archives and collections. They are interesting and beautiful!And I am reminded that Hogarth designed these at the start of his career as an artist.

  2. Linda Granfield permalink
    January 15, 2022

    Marvelous fun (and an education) to read the Thorn list of merchandise. “Umbrelloes” as the plural of ‘umbrella.’ What is a ‘Night Gown Basket”? Do I need one?
    Imagine giving someone who worked at Thorn’s a list of our tech supplies or an advertisement for goods from one of our DIY markets?

  3. Helen Breen permalink
    January 15, 2022

    Greetings from Boston,

    GA, I really enjoy checking out the lovely fonts and calligraphy on these furniture trade cards of yore. Interesting to read how customers were directed to these establishments before street numbering was universally used.

    Such as – “next door to the White Horse Inn,” “the corner of Little Moorgate, London Wall,” and “4 doors from ye corner of New Broad Street and almost fronting Bedlam Walk.”

    Good stuff!

  4. January 15, 2022

    It certainly looks like these merchants have chosen their most eccentric furnishings to feature on their trade cards. The tasseled, scalloped canopy above the chaise provoked laughter and curiosity. (or, wait, maybe it is simply a very narrow slender bed-for one?) Either way, one’s head and nightcap would be suitably “protected”; thanks to the talents of the Sole Proprietor at Butler’s. Ahem. And I would love to place an order for that wild-and-rustic outdoor love seat. The perfect spot for a tete-a-tete. May I please get delivery by early spring? (alas, it is minus-seven degrees here in the Hudson Valley this morning……..

    Pure delight. Thank you, GA.

  5. January 15, 2022

    I love examining these old trade cards. Not only are they beautiful, but they tell us so much about the period they belong to. I don’t know what a number of the things they sold at Thorn’s Cricket Bat, Turnery, and Patten Warehouse even were, but if I have a long afternoon with nothing to do, I’ve half a mind to try and find out. Also fascinating are the things sold by Butler for furnishing ‘Ship Cabbins’, with ‘Articles particularly adapted and for Travelling…’

    Thank you for sharing these. What an amazing resource the Bishopsgate Institute is!!

  6. Saba permalink
    January 15, 2022

    Enjoyed these. Eighteenth century? Early nineteenth? I’m not too good on furniture.

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