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‘No Enemy But Winter And Rough Weather’

January 20, 2025
by the gentle author

‘No enemy but winter and rough weather…’ As You Like It

Every year at this low ebb of the season, I go to Columbia Rd Market to buy potted bulbs and winter-flowering plants which I replant into my collection of old pots from the market and arrange upon the oak dresser, to observe their growth at close quarters and thereby gain solace and inspiration until my garden shows convincing signs of new life.

Each morning, I drag myself from bed – coughing and wheezing from winter chills – and stumble to the dresser in my pyjamas like one in a holy order paying due reverence to an altar. When the grey gloom of morning feels unremitting, the musky scent of hyacinth or the delicate fragrance of the cyclamen is a tonic to my system, tangible evidence that the season of green leaves and abundant flowers will return. When plant life is scarce, my flowers in pots that I bought for just a few pounds each at Columbia Rd acquire a magical allure for me, an enchanted quality confirmed by the speed of their growth in the warmth of the house, and I delight to have this collection of diverse varieties in dishes to wonder at, as if each one were a unique specimen from an exotic land.

And once they have flowered, I place these plants in a cold corner of the house until I can replant them in the garden. As a consequence, my clumps of Hellebores and Snowdrops are expanding every year and thus I get to enjoy my plants at least twice over – at first on the dresser and in subsequent years growing in my garden.

Staffordshire figure of Orlando from As You Like It

6 Responses leave one →
  1. Andy permalink
    January 20, 2025

    Very sweet

  2. Jenny Newall permalink
    January 20, 2025

    Dear gentle author,
    I believe I have been following you since Anthony Eyton told me about you. I was so enchanted when I first saw this post, I have been religiously buying Paper narcissi and doing exactly what you have done with lots of old bowls and jugs and mugs which I have collected sadly this year I have not planted the bulbs yet, but it is my next job. It is such a gloomy time of year. I definitely need something to cheer me up so your post this morning has given me a push to make no more excuses.

  3. Maura Dooley permalink
    January 20, 2025

    For some years I have been following you vicariously as you create these beautiful little marvels. Now, like Jenny, in her comment above, it’s time for some action. Thank you, Gentle Author.

  4. January 20, 2025

    Delightful – an inspiration to a green fingerless person.

  5. Georgina Briody permalink
    January 20, 2025

    Quite poignant for today. Copied you and bought same bulbs already shooting, now in my lounge with me. Sent to my dear friend in Australia who understands completely.

  6. gkbowood permalink
    January 20, 2025

    I always enjoying seeing these treasures you plant each year! I would love to see further pictures the ones still bud once they have opened. Thanks for sharing.

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