Furniture Trade Cards Of Old London
November 21, 2024
I discovered these old furniture trade cards hidden in the secret drawer of a hypothetical cabinet
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I discovered these old furniture trade cards hidden in the secret drawer of a hypothetical cabinet
from → Cultural Life, Past Life
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Dare I say…………I would rather have a sly gentleman slip me one of these gorgeous trade cards, still warm from his pocket, than receive a love note? After all, the curvaceous curls of typography are so luscious and romantic — and alluring. Better than a billet doux.
I’ve taken a considerable amount of time, just now, and I’ve decided I am in need of:
Night gown baskets
Black lead pencils
a Wig Stand
and Pails and Piggens
And I feel so secure in knowing that these goods will be provided “with every requisite
on the shortest notice”. Ahem.
Huzzah and hurrah. A wonderful feast of vintage graphics. To heck with Helvetica!