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Some Favourite Nicholas Borden Paintings

September 12, 2024
by the gentle author

You are all invited to the opening of Nicholas Borden’s STOKE NEWINGTON PAINTINGS at Everyday Sunshine Gallery, 49 Barbauld Rd, Stoke Newington, N16 0RT, tonight, Thursday 12th September from 6:30pm

In celebration of Nicholas’ new exhibition, I have selected some of my favourite paintings from the past eleven years that I have been following his work.

Arnold Circus, Boundary Estate, 2021

Meynell Rd, Hackney, 2021

Fleur De Lys St, Spitalfields, 2013

Princelet St, Spitalfields, 2013

Victoria Park by Regent’s Canal, 2021

On a 254 bus, 2024

Kelly’s Pie & Mash, Roman Rd, 2022

Regent’s Canal, 2021

Ten Bells, Spitalfields, 2022

Liverpool St Station, 2023

Leopold Buildings, Columbia Rd, 2021

Poole Rd, Hackney, 2021

Hackney Rd and beyond, 2021

Wishful thinking, 2021

St Paul’s Cathedral

St John of Jerusalem, Hackney, 2021

Gawber St, Bethnal Green, 2021

Sclater St Yard, Spitalfields, 2023

Wishful Thinking, 2021

Garrick Theatre, Charing Cross Rd, 2021

The Golden Heart, Spitalfields, 2023

Liverpool St Station, 2019

Waterloo Station, 2019

Wentworth St, Spitalfields, 2019

Terrace Rd, E9, 2019

St Peter’s Bethnal Green, 2019

Charing Cross Rd

Canal from Cat & Mutton Bridge, Broadway Market

Shoreditch High St

Paintings copyright © Nicholas Borden

You may also like to take a look at

Twenty New Paintings by Nicholas Borden

Nicholas Borden’s Lockdown Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s Latest Paintings

Catching Up With Nicholas Borden

Nicholas Borden, Artist

Nicholas Borden’s East End View

Nicholas Borden’s Winter Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s Spring Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s New Paintings

Nicholas Borden’s Recent Paintings

5 Responses leave one →
  1. Marcia Howard permalink
    September 12, 2024

    Amazing, and very evocative

  2. Victoria Cooper permalink
    September 12, 2024

    Love them to pieces.

  3. Susan Levinson permalink
    September 12, 2024

    Is there any chance a book of his paintings will be published?

  4. September 12, 2024

    Free associating here, prompted by this beautiful work…………..
    There is a magical short story that tells the tale of how (wait for it) the Chrysler Building falls in love with the Empire State Building and they run away and become lovers. Well – it could happen.
    If indeed love affairs between buildings is possible, I would enjoy seeing the Garrick Theater and the Golden Heart tavern get together and walk off into a Nicholas-Borden-painted sunset.
    His work evokes feelings of wild imaginings and beating-heart optimism. The colors, the humane
    pulse of the images, the uncluttered visions — this is phenomenal work.

    I am so grateful for this discovery. (and I especially love the paintings that peer down into the bowl of the Terminal — how each person is given a protective surrounding of white, so we can notice and value every one as individuals. Wonderful.)

    Thank you, GA !

  5. Nicholas Borden permalink
    September 16, 2024

    It’s flattering that the Gentle Author has published all of these posts, which I’m grateful for over the last few years.

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