The Comic Alphabet
January 24, 2023
You might like to see other work by George Cruikshank
Jack Sheppard, Thief, Highwayman & Escapologist
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You might like to see other work by George Cruikshank
Jack Sheppard, Thief, Highwayman & Escapologist
from → Cultural Life, Literary Life, Past Life
There are more than 5,000 stories by The Gentle Author with 43,000 pictures to be found in the categories and archives on this site
© Spitalfields Life Books Ltd 2009-25
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Spitalfields Life is published daily by Spitalfields Life Books Ltd
I love these characters ! Some situations have not changed either ! My favourite is the waistcoat!
B for boots and W for waistcoat always make me laugh, there’s just something a bit daft about them.
What an artist. Must say the Singing picture is quite risqué with a bit of frottage going on!
Loved them all.
What a boffo cast of characters! I’ve tried my hand at designing alphabets, and always wither at the prospects of “X” and “Z”…….for my limited imagination, they have been challenging. But
“limits” was never a problem for Cruikshank, it seems. He would careen into alternative languages when necessary, and always went straight for the gags. With so many great characters to peruse, no wonder people were probably unconcerned with the verbiage.
Thank you, “G” “A”.
While many of these are fun and silly, I cannot always quite understand what Cruikshank is saying. In “Isaac and John,” John insults Isaac, a caricature of a Jewish tailor. In “Nightmare,” the nightmare is another caricature, this time of someone from the Middle East. The animals in “Tantalizing” are cruelly teased. And, “Monkies” speaks to me of sickening racial hatred. Maybe Cruikshank wants to show the faults of the general public? I just don’t know.