Maurice Evans, Firework Collector
Maurice Evans has been collecting fireworks since childhood and now at over eighty years old, he has the most comprehensive collection in the country – so you can imagine both my excitement and my trepidation upon stepping through the threshold of his house in Shoreham. My concern about potential explosion was relieved when Maurice confirmed that he has removed the gunpowder from his fireworks, only to be reawakened when his wife Kit helpfully revealed that Catherine Wheels and Bangers were excepted because you cannot extract the gunpowder without ruining them.
This statement prompted Maurice to remember with visible pleasure that he still had a collection of World War II shells in the cellar and, of course, the reinforced steel shed in the garden full of live fireworks. “Let’s just say, if there’s a big bang in the neighbourhood, the police always come here first to see if it’s me,” admitted Maurice with a playful smirk. “Which it often isn’t,” added Kit, backing Maurice up with a complicit demonstration of knowing innocence.
“It all started with my father who was in munitions in the First World War,” explained Maurice proudly, “He had a big trunk with little drawers, and in those drawers I found diagrams explaining how to work with explosives and it intrigued me. Then came World War II and the South Downs were used as a training ground and, as boys, we went where we shouldn’t and there were loads of shells lying around, so we used to let them off.”
Maurice’s radiant smile revealed to me the unassailable joy of his teenage years, running around the downs at Shoreham playing with bombs. “We used to set off detonators outside each other’s houses to announce we’d arrived!” he bragged, waving his left hand to reveal the missing index finger, blown off when the explosive in a slow fuse unexpectedly fired upon lighting. “That’s the worst thing that happened,” Maurice declared with a grimace of alacrity, “We were worldly wise with explosives!”
Even before his teens, the love of pyrotechnics had taken grip upon Maurice’s psyche. It was a passion born of denial. “I used to suffer from bronchitis and asthma as a child, so when November 5th came round, I had to stay indoors.” he confided with a frown, “Every shop had a club and you put your pennies and ha’pennies in to save for fireworks and that’s what I did, but then my father let them off and I had to watch through the window.”
After the war, Maurice teamed up with a pyrotechnician from London and they travelled the country giving displays which Maurice devised, achieving delights that transcended his childhood hunger for explosions. “In my mind, I could envisage the sequence of fireworks and colours, and that was what I used to enjoy. You’ve got all the colours to start with, smoke, smoke colours, ground explosions, aerial explosions – it’s endless the amount of different things you can do. The art of it is knowing how to choose.” explained Maurice, his face illuminated by the images flickering in his mind. Adding, “I used to be quite big in fireworks at one time.” with calculated understatement.
Yet all this personal history was the mere pre-amble before Maurice led me through his house, immaculately clean, lined with patterned carpets and papers and witty curios of every description. Then in the kitchen, overlooking the garden lined with old trees, he opened an unexpected cupboard door to reveal a narrow red staircase going down. We descended to enter the burrow where Maurice has his rifle range, his collections, model aeroplanes, bombs and fireworks – all sharing the properties of flight and explosiveness. Once they were within reach, Maurice could not restrain his delight in picking up the shells and mortars of his childhood, explaining their explosive qualities and functions.
But my eyes were drawn by all the fireworks that lined the walls and glass cases, and the deep blues, lemon yellows and scarlets of their wrappers and casings. Such evocative colours and intricate designs which in their distinctive style of type and motif, draw upon the excitement and anticipation of magic we all share as children, feelings that compose into a lifelong love of fireworks. Rockets, Roman Candles, Catherine Wheels, Bangers, and Sparklers – amounting to thousands in boxes and crates, Maurice’s extraordinary collection is the history of fireworks in this country.
“I wouldn’t say its made my life, but its certainly livened it up,” confided Maurice, seeing my wonder at his overwhelming display. Because no-one (except Maurice) keeps fireworks, there is something extraordinary in seeing so many old ones and it sets your imagination racing to envisage the potential spectacle that these small cardboard parcels propose.
Maurice outgrew the bronchitis and asthma to have a beautiful life filled with fireworks, to visit firework factories around Britain, in China, Australia, New Zealand and all over Europe, and to scour Britain for collections of old fireworks, accumulating his priceless collection. Now like an old dragon in a cave, surrounded by gold, Maurice guards his cellar hoard protectively and is concerned about the future. “It needs to be seen,” he said, contemplating it all and speaking his thoughts out loud, “I would like to put this whole collection into a museum. I don’t want any money. I want everyone to see what happened from pre-war times up until the present day in the progression of fireworks.”
“My father used to bring me the used ones to keep,” confessed Maurice quietly with an affectionate gleam in his eye, as he revealed the emotional origin of his collection, now that we were alone together in the cellar. With touching selflessness, having derived so much joy from collecting his fireworks, Maurice wants to share them with everybody else.
Maurice with his exploding fruit.
Maurice with his barrel of gunpowder
Maurice with his grenades.
Maurice with two favourite rockets.
Firework photographs copyright © Simon Costin
Read my story about Simon Costin, The Museum of British Folklore
So far as I know, we didn’t have exploding fruit in the U.S. It’s so intriguing!
All the bright, compelling colours and the anticipatory excitement — it’s like the penny candy shop in its appeal. That’s the only thing I can think of that compares.
I’m currently up in North Norfolk, and I hope there will be fireworks!!
The firework labels are beautiful. Thanks
The Royal Gunpowder Works at Waltham Abbey is an interseting visit.
May I recommend Brian Dillon’s book, The Great Explosion (2015). As if in a Paul Nash painting, this book explores themes of landscape and place in relation to history and the terrible destruction and ruin of the industrial accident at the munitions factory
All I can say is WOW!!!!! What an incredible collection.
I still wonder, has any museum taken up his wonderful offer? His collection is a delight, and should be preserved for the delight of others…
Surely enough material exists for a book here, if so let me know.
Fireworks and Christmas crackers.
As Maurice quite rightly would not like his collection broken up in time and wants it to go into a museum, maybe you could suggest to him that he contacts the Royal Gunpowder Mills at Waltham Abbey as they are normally open to the public and have exhibitions devoted to explosives , gunpowder , rockets etc. The mills have a very long history being one of the main places for the production of all things associated with explosives and propellants and I am sure they would provide an ideal home for his excellent collection. Hopefully they would welcome having his collection. See link below:-
Joyous. Recollections of a happy 5th of November. We all like a big bang this time of year. Guy and the gang. So close and yet so far!
What a fabulous collection! They certainly need to be in a museum where people can enjoy seeing them. Thank you so much for showing them.
What beautiful objects. Growing up in the 50s, I enjoyed collecting fireworks, mostly Standard or Brocks, then lining them up on the table, especially the aeroplanes, and my dad loved buying them, it reminded him of doing the same in the 30s. In fact I felt it was a shame we had to set fire to them. But it never occurred to me to save them forever. My mum might have objected.
In 1959 we moved out of London, to Mitcham in Surrey. I clearly remember Pains Fireworks who had been in Mitcham since 1872. Pain’s had been involved with pyrotechnics from the 17th century and were suppliers of gunpowder to the Crown. They moved from Mitcham in 1966.
I love a good firework display, but think I’d be rather wary of actually living with a collection the size of Maurice’s!
Oral History!!!!
Finding a museum to preserve this collection or establishing one should be top priorities with an oral history. I’d sit him down with various pieces and photograph him with the items, and link that with an oral history.
The preservation of the objects themselves is vital, as he could easily have the only surviving examples of many different kinds. However, his knowledge is equally important.
He, his collection, and an obviously indulgent wife, are national treasures!
Dear Mr. Evans,
this is an absolute unbelievable collection…
and my brother
i would give an arm for it …. ok, not really but
it seems so unreal that all this things still look so
good. This is a Message from Germany ( please
dont laugh about my english), i am 52 years old &
a big fan of fireworks since my childhood. Our Father
was ab Big Fan of it, too. Unfortunatelly in Germany
we only have those lousy three days at the end of the
year ( okok, better than NOTHING
and me could‘nt wait to see all those exciting things
in the shops. And than, later in the evenings, he always
„tried“ some of the fireworks… a fantastic time for us, YOU
can imagine… Today- times have changed, you know. Look,
i really do love the nature, you can be sure, but when you
say that you love fireworks & that you can‘t wait for Ende
of December, a lot people look like you have farted loud
in the church. I do collect too, but not like you, just a lot
packages with old labels of the 70s, 80s & 90s, not worth
to talk about. Just brings lots of thoughts back when i hold
them. Ok, enough words! I wish you the BEST, stay healthy &
keep your humor! Hope so much you find a museum. I will
look for online. Many greetings, Horst Baumann