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At London Trimmings

August 3, 2021
by the gentle author

Moosa, Ashraf & Ebrahim Loonat

If you ever wondered where the Pearly Kings & Queens get the pearl buttons for their magnificent outfits, I can disclose that London Trimmings – the celebrated family business run by the three Loonat brothers in the Cambridge Heath Rd – is the place they favour. And with good reason, as I discovered when I went round to investigate yesterday, because this shop has a mind-boggling selection of wonderful stuff at competitive prices.

Zips and buttons and buckles and threads and tapes and ribbons and snap fasteners and elastic and eyelets and cords and braids and marking chalk and pins, and a whole lot of other coloured and sparkly things, comprise the biggest magpie’s nest on the planet. Now I shall no longer go to fancy West End stores to buy taffeta ribbon to tie up my gifts and pay several pounds for just a couple of metres – not since I discovered that here in Whitechapel you can get a whole reel for five quid and choose from every colour of the rainbow too.

With his lively dark brown eyes and personable nature, Moosa Loonat was my expert guide to this haberdashery labyrinth. He took me on a tour starting in the trade orders department which occupies one of London Trimmings’ two premises in this fine red brick nineteenth century terrace of shops, built by the brewery that once stood across the road. Translucent glass windows might discourage the casual customer, but in fact everyone is welcome in this extraordinary store which feels more like a warehouse than a shop.

Once we had trawled through the crowded aisles here and in the basement, with Moosa pulling out all imaginable kinds of zips and buckles and toggles to explain the stories behind each and every one, he assured me with a proprietorial grin, “I know where everything is, because if you pay for it you know.” I surmise that Moosa said this because while everything has its place at London Trimmings, the overall effect might be described as organised chaos of the most charismatic kind.

Yet, as we explored, Moosa told me the story of the business and I learned there was even more going on here than you can see on the crowded shelves of this extraordinary emporium.

“The shop was started by my father Yousuf Loonat and his partner Aziz Matcheswala in 1971 at the corner of Whitechapel High St and New Rd. My dad came to this country from Gujurat just after the war. He went to Bradford where all the mills were and he worked his way down to Leicester, and from Leicester to London. He told me, at first, he worked in a factory manufacturing street lights and, in Leicester, he went into the food trade and then he got into the textile trade.

At eight years old, I used to go and help count out buttons for my father. Every single holiday, he’d say, “I’ve got lots of work for you.” In 1987, when I was seventeen years old, my father and his partner split, so he gave me a choice – “Either go to university or join the family business – but if you don’t, I’ll sell it.” I took the opportunity and I’m happy that I did. That choice was offered to my brothers too and we realised that if we didn’t all club together, we would lose it. Now every brother runs a different department.

In 1985, we had a fire and lost everything – a couple of hundred thousand pounds of stock and we only had thirty thousand pounds insurance. It was an arson attack. I remember it clearly, it was a dramatic time for the family and my dad was really upset. All our suppliers helped us, they put a freeze on what we owed them until we could repay it and allowed us a new credit account. They contributed to fitting out this new shop in the Cambridge Heath Rd too, they even paid for the sign.

It was busy in the old days, everything was sold by the box then, we had four or five vans in the road and we wouldn’t even entertain student customers. Fifteen years ago, every shop in Brick Lane had a factory above it. In this immediate neighbourhood, we had a thousand customers, now we have a hundred here. We supply the leather trade, the bag trade, the garment trade, the jacket trade, the dry-cleaning and alteration trade, and the shoe repair trade. We cater to students who buy one button and to designers like Mulberry, Hussein Chayalan, Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen, and to High St stores like Top Man and River Island. During London Fashion Week, we had forty people in the shop all wanting to be served first.

Our main speciality is zips, you can buy one for 5p up to £20. We have two hundred different styles and each comes in several sizes. Other suppliers only stock up to No 5, but we have No 6, No 7, No 8, No 9, and No 10 -we even have No 4. We have double-ended zips, fluorescent zips, invisible zips, plastic zips, pocket zips, copper zips, aluminium zips, steel zips, nickel zips, satin zips and waterproof zips.

One customer comes from Ireland, an eighty-five year old man, he comes over every month with a suitcase, packs it up and is gone. Another customer comes regularly from Iceland, she spends two days in here to see what’s new. We had one tailor, he sent back an empty box of 1,044 pins he bought twenty-five years previously, saying “I’d like another one but this is the last I will need because I am over seventy.” Sometimes, people ring from New Zealand to buy press fasteners for the covers on on open-top vintage cars. Kanye West came in twice before we recognised who he was, he came in four or five times altogether, choosing trimmings. He spent a couple of hours each time and had a cup of tea.

I arrive at eight-thirty and I work until seven each day. I do an eleven hour shift. I could choose not to come because I’ve got the staff, but I’m a workaholic. We don’t open at weekends but I still come in on Saturdays to catch up. One day I could be serving customers at the counter, the next day unloading a container and the next out on the road to visit customers. It’s never the same. It’s not a mundane, everything the same, day-in-day-out job. We’ve had my father, me and my nephews all in here at once – three generations working in the same place. Some of the staff have been here thirty years and all the youngsters who came to work here straight from school have stayed.

We run a tight ship financially. The last to get paid will be me and my brothers. We only get our wages if the money’s there but if it’s not, we don’t take it.”

Moosa Loonat – “The last to get paid will be me and my brothers. We only get our wages if the money’s there but if it’s not, we don’t take it.”

Teresa Brace, Manager of Haberdashery – “It’s a lot tidier on my side of the shop!”

Moosa – “As you can see, we’re short of space…”

Ebrahim Loonat

Shirley Mayhew, Accounts Department – in the trimmings business since 1980.

“the biggest magpie’s nest on the planet”

London Trimmings, 26-28 Cambridge Heath Rd, London E1 5QH. 

20 Responses leave one →
  1. Jane Jones permalink
    August 3, 2021

    What a wonderful enterprise and interesting history. So good to hear of the kindness shown in times of stress and hardship. I have pinged this to all my sewing friends. We look forward to visiting London Trimmings one day.

  2. August 3, 2021

    A fantastic, wonderful shop! I could lose myself there and never leave, buy tons of stuff that I would never use, but that is totally irresistible.

  3. Jill Wilson permalink
    August 3, 2021

    This looks brilliant and is exactly what I need! I’m always on the lookout for ribbons and braids for sets and costumes and this looks like the perfect Aladdin’s cave in which to find them. The two suppliers I have used recently have either moved or closed, and so this is perfect timing.

    Thank you – I will be going there as soon as possible!

  4. Sally permalink
    August 3, 2021

    What a wonderful shop. I’d be spending hours in there if it was easy for me to get to.

  5. Catherine Morris permalink
    August 3, 2021

    I was just getting nostalgic the other day for specialty shops that I remember were still there in the 80s – and based in right in central London too! There was a huge place that just sold fabric flowers and feathers. I think it was on Wells St and looked to have been there for about a 100 years. A shop in Silver Place, Soho that would cover buttons while you waited and a whimsical shop in Covent Garden that sold the most delightful buttons. So glad that you brought London Trimmings to my attention. They have just got a new customer!

  6. Kelly Holman permalink
    August 3, 2021

    What an incredible shop and what big scissors they have! What an incredible family too to overcome the terrible attack on their business. Their suppliers’ responses clearly show the respect in which they are held. Great to hear of such individual businesses in an age of increasing uniformity.

  7. August 3, 2021

    What an amazing emporium this is. As ever, you communicate the sense of love, pride and industry of the family business; presenting the shop as not just a business but an extension of the family itself.

    Writing this, I am reminded of your stories from several years ago about the businesses under the railway arches struggling to manage the incredible rent hikes from Network Rail. What happened to them? And Paul, who had to move his sundry paper bag shop out of Spitalfields but nevertheless survived.

  8. August 3, 2021

    …Sounds wonderful…on my list of places to get to…..

  9. Cherub permalink
    August 3, 2021

    As someone who dips in and out of crafting I could spend days in this shop, it’s absolute heaven!

  10. Peter Hart permalink
    August 3, 2021

    Goodness me what a shop and story. Wonderful. Thank you.

  11. August 3, 2021

    “Beam me up, Scotty……..”. If ONLY I could travel to the trimmings shop today — and bring every one of my mixed media colleagues from all over the US. We would swarm over the place, raise an uproar, empty our wallets, and return home with happy purchases. (I enjoyed the reader’s comment: “buy tons of stuff I would never use”.) During the lockdown I’ve made sure to actually USE all the stuff I have been gathering for years.

    The trimmings shop (and brilliant owners) = Irresistible!

    I will share this post with all my textile-loving colleagues.
    Thanks, GA, for shining a light.

  12. Adele Lester permalink
    August 3, 2021

    I could get lost in a shop like this for days! Hope they stay in business for many years!

  13. sara midda permalink
    August 3, 2021

    Thank heavens I don’t live in London, or else I’d be camping out there.
    Best Sar

  14. Ann V permalink
    August 3, 2021

    Wonderful! I could spend all day in this shop. What a brilliant family business.

  15. August 3, 2021

    My idea of heaven! A real treasure trove, although I was very sad to read about their arson attack.

  16. Bill permalink
    August 3, 2021

    I love these posts you run about really interesting people running these enterprises everybody needs and which most people never think about! I mean, where else can we get our zippers, right?

    And the work ethic! What great guys and gals!

  17. Lizebeth permalink
    August 4, 2021

    Let’s ALL try to patronise these amazing small shops, so many of which have gone, or are going.

    Who wants to have to shop on Amazon??

    Thank you GA for telling us about places we would never have found otherwise…

  18. Jill Wilson permalink
    August 5, 2021

    I went there yesterday and the Whitechapel branch is closed at the moment due to lack of staff during the pandemic but the Tottenham branch is still open, and you can get stuff on line (not the same as touching and feeling the merchandise, and exploring the Aladdin’s cave though!)

    GA – please keep a local eye on the situation and let us know when it re-opens – thank you.

  19. Chips Barrett permalink
    August 9, 2021

    Fascinating to see what lies behind the shopfront … I remember it from when I lived at Clapton Pond and I’d get the 48 or 55 bus home sometimes. I left England in 2008 but this blog helps keep me connected and for that I remain ever grateful.

  20. Belal Breaga Bakht permalink
    July 29, 2024

    Just a note that they have now moved to 41B Antill Rd, London N15 4AS, in Tottenham.

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