On Election Day
Upon this historic day in American politics, I present William Hogarth’s Election Scenes of 1755
An Election Entertainment
In this parody of Leonardo’s Last Supper, an orgiastic rally is in place with supporters over-indulging.
We Made Jill Biden’s Chicken Parmesan Recipe, and It’s Definitely Our Election Day Dinner
Canvassing for Votes
In this parody of The Choice of Hercules, two innkeepers compete to persuade a farmer to vote for their candidate.
Both Candidates Canvassing Across Philadelphia on Election Eve
The Polling
In this parody of Titan’s Presentation of the Virgin, Hogarth portrays sick and dying voters dragged to polls by merciless political agents.
Chairing the Member
In this parody of Pietro da Cortona & Charles Le Brun’s The Victory of Alexander over Darius, Hogarth replaces the imperial eagle with a goose as a fight breaks out over who was rightfully elected.
Trump Has Privately Discussed Declaring Victory Prematurely on Election Night
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Greetings from New York City, where my husband & I voted one week ago. My 94-year-old mother (in Baltimore) voted weeks ago via absentee ballot. The (Democratic) turnout nationwide seems very encouraging, so we’re fervently hoping for a Biden victory – because we can’t possibly survive any more time with Trump et al (purportedly) at the helm.
Thanks for this. PRAY FOR US!!!!
Chairing the member reminds me of the Australian Victoria premier Dan Andrews and his attitude towards the voting public ..Complete with thugs bashing up people .Ha ha ha .
It’s not going to be pretty. It’s going to be hard to watch, for me at least.
From So Cal hoping for the best.
This all rings horribly true!
And it sounds like the extremely complicated voting system the Americans have to ‘elect’ their President is open to all sorts of abuse and shenanigans …the next few days could be very interesting.
Let’s hope the right (not Right) candidate wins fairly and decisively!
I wonder how Hogarth would paint today’s shenanigans? In almost the same way I suspect as if these wonderful depictions of 1755 prove anything it is that very little has changed in nearly 300 years. I love the goose instead of the eagle.
Seriously this is a momentous time for America and, if democracy is to survive, we all have to pray for an overwhelming victory for Biden so that Trump is forced to concede. It is an historic day indeed.
From the Hudson River Valley in New York (pre-dawn, although our local polling place
JUST opened their doors at 6 AM…….):
Unlike the dedicated folks in Michigan (and other states) who stood in line for hours, we will arrive at our little Church Meeting Hall and probably be amongst a handful of other voters.
Ours is a small community of concerned voters, and even during Presidential elections, there aren’t any crowds. Our ladie’s auxiliary of the Fire House will do their usual Election Day lunch — take-out only — and one can get a delicious homemade turkey sandwich, or a bowl of chili and cornbread for a mere pittance. Masks, yes. Armed angry poll-watchers, no. For all of these signs of civilization in small town America, I am thankful. I realize that the world is peering in on our election, and wondering if we’ve lost our minds. I prefer to think of it as temporary insanity. Perhaps some normalcy is about to be restored? I have no idea. But, for today, when I enter the polling booth I will think of people everywhere who are fighting and dying for the privilege of the ballot. I am grateful.
Canada wakes today hoping Sanity Rules in the days to come.
Never in my life have I seen cities spending the pre-election days boarding up blocks of storefronts. Those fights seen in “Chairing the Member” have sadly been predicted for weeks.
Thanks for the Chicken Parm recipe–I’ll add it to my Covid “Feed the Pandemic Paunch” recipe files. From my lips to my hips.
As for feeding my Hungry Soul, the election of Joe Biden will do that. From my lips to God’s ears.
Greetings from Boston,
GA, I reiterate what a poster said above – PRAY FOR YOUR AMERICAN COUSINS!!!
In today’s US Election it will certainly NOT be so civilized as it is shown in the Paintings! We will see what’ll happen …
Trump for another 4 Years? Please this NOT!
Love & Peace
Dear Gentle Author,
From the suburbs of our nation’s capital, I thank you for thinking of us today. Our country needs a change. We are exhausted from the chaos of the last 4 years. Thank you for your support!
It maybe a trumpe l’oeil so no comment until the result
Hello, here’s another, although less eloquent, voice from the Hudson River Valley in New York State. In my small town, voting took less than five minutes in 2008 and 2016 when crowds were also expected. This year, the wait has been around one hour during the days of early voting, so many, many more people have turned out. When I voted on Sunday, the people lined up in the rain were chatting and laughing; they did not look at all like the people in the paintings. I’m hoping that all of this is a good sign and that others, like myself, do not want to be both disgraced and endangered by an unfit president. And, I am grateful to know that GA and others in countries all over the world also want a change for the good of us all. Thank you, GA, for running this edition of Spitalfields Life which continues to be my morning reading every day.
It is noon in California and, so far, the election day is quiet and orderly, as it has always been in the past. Courts have ruled against Trump’s efforts to muck it up, and a judge just ordered a sweep of post offices for all ballots in 11 districts with the offices to report to him by 4:30. COVID has been challenging for the whole process, but Trump has been the wildcard as his behavior is totally unpredictable. Turnout has been extremely high in early voting. I am anxious to hear about today’s turnout, as it likely leans Republican. Trump’s path to 270, the number of electors to win, are limited but he still could win. Let’s hope not!!!
Thanks, GA, for the Hogarth series, one of my favorites, and for mentioning our election.
Voted from hometown of President Trump, Queens New York.
I along with the majority of my friends and family all voted for our president again.
I Pray the Americans to have a Quite Day. Good Look for them All!?????????
Gentle author….. this post is very good but also sad to read the comments coming to you from USA. We do indeed feel for our (now DNA proven) cousins in the USA as we’ve watched these last four years of showmanship instead of integrity and strong leadership to guide and correct the shortfalls.
Heavens, I so want Joe Biden to become the next President of the United States of America. So much uniting is needed.
From the Land-Down-Under.