A Little Journey With Viscountess Boudica
Upon the annual celebration of misrule, I present this portrait of Viscountess Boudica by Henjo TV
[vimeo 117306193 nolink]
Be sure to follow Viscountess Boudica’s blog There’s More To Life Than Heaven & Earth
Take a look at
Viscountess Boudica’s Domestic Appliances
Viscountess Boudica’s Halloween
Viscountess Boudica’s Christmas
Viscountess Boudica’s Valentine’s Day
Read my original profile of Mark Petty, Trendsetter
and take a look at Mark Petty’s Multicoloured Coats
Lovely to see and hear the Viscountess in person! She’s one of my favourite people in your blog.
Glad to see the Viscountess Boudica again, and to be able to hear her now. Such a wonderful person.
lovely amazing
Nice to meet Viscountess Boudica in this manner!
Love & Peace
An inspiration, it’s so tedious that too many people lead someone elses’ idea of what they think their life should be. Ditto with all the above comments. All best wishes to you Viscountess Boudica xx
A bit of a laugh isn’t it?
It’s very laudable that the Viscountess doesn’t a give a flying…eff what other people think.
Except that the dear lady should remember that all those people she amusingly describes as being grey, even down to their grey underpants, probably don’t give one about what she thinks or wears either!