Announcement To Subscribers
May 21, 2013
Please accept my apologies for any disappointment that may have been caused by the non-appearance of the daily mailings since Sunday. The mailing system died and we are putting a new once in place. Normal service will be resumed later this week but in the meantime you can catch up on any stories you have missed at
24 Responses
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Thank heavens!! I was ready to email you, gentle author, to ask if you are okay!!
Stay well………
Glad it is nought but a technical hitch. Bereft. Unable to start day without daily enlivenment. Thank you for explanation and resumption of Normal Service.
Canal dogs seem to have scarpered (tails between their legs?)
Was wondering; and didn’t get this one either – I had to look it up so hope that the glitches will be ironed out by tomorrow because I really enjoy reading this column, it is the first thing I read every day.
No canal dogs for me either this morning. Hope it is just a glitch, my mornings are enlivened by reading your pieces.
…… I missed you ……
Thank you for this explanatory post. Glitches can behave in the oddest ways!
Like many other of your subscribing fans, I’m looking forward to resumption of morning deliveries. Meanwhile, it wasn’t too difficult to search out your recent posts.
Best wishes.
Oh, thank goodness — can’t start my day without you !
Hi there – I too missed Spitalfields Life over the last couple of days – noted that you thought the problem was solved – alas I’ve not received a posting today either. I tried to subscribe again, just in case something with regard to my subscription had been ‘knocked’ but I was still registered…..Help please – I love my daily posting. Good to know that you weren’t poorly though – I was a wee bit worried.
Nothing today either! Thankfully there is back-up here!
The last three daily mailings appeared perfectly for me on schedulevand I received canal dogs this morning; I am in the US, perhaps this has something to do with it?
So glad you are OK.
Thought you might have been too busy with Course but checked site as I remembered your promise and knowing you to be a person of integrity thought the worse. Silly me!
Thanks again for all your wonderful efforts, never miss a day!
I haven’t been getting them either – have just unsubscribed and subscribed again, so hopefully that’ll sort it out.
My daily fix too
Wednesday and still nothing on either mail account …
No Gentle Author with my early morning first cup of tea, for three days !
I am getting withdrawal symptoms.
A speedy return please
Best wishes Pauline
Phew, glad it’s just a technical hitch!
No unsubsubscribing and resubscribing didn’t work – still no emails – anything you can do at your end please?
……. I’m still not getting daily emails either ….. I do hope that this is soon resolved for every one of us …..
Phew…. I thought my computer had gone belly up!
Glad to hear that you are alive and well.
Oh my goodness,what a relief. I have been quite lost without my daily “hit” from Spitalfields!
That’s a relief! You were missed Gentle Author!
A hug or a handshake is hardly possible on the internet; but a hearty welcome back – you were sorely missed.
And there was me thinking I’d been de-listed because I’ve been picking up my email on a different device in Belgium!
So glad the absence isn’t permanent. So enjoy the daily read. Long may it remain.