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fig 14

December 29, 2012
by the gentle author

20 Responses leave one →
  1. February 3, 2014

    Hello, My name is Ann, My Dad is from the East End of London, Stepney, and he is 87 years old, He was bought up in Carr Street along with his 7 Brothers and 7 Sisters, My Dad is the youngest of 15 Children and he is the only Child left, He tells me that his East End used to be known by the name Donkeys Row, there House’s no longer exist, My Dad has a Photo of all his Family standing and sitting outside one of the house’s where they lived in Carr Street, My Dad is the baby, It is a wonderful picture, I would of loved to have known them all, Dad says its not his London no more, I am curious to know more about the Street where he grew up with all his Brothers and Sisters, Apparently my Dads Father lived in a house with the boys and My Dads Mother Alice Dowsett lived with the Girls more or less next door to each other, My Dad has Kidney problems but still able to go Shopping and cook for himself, My Dad is known in Brighton as Ron the Clock as he used to ment Clocks and now and again still has a go at the skill, My Dad is a true cockney with original accent He has a lot of memories and he is a great character, He’s not in a Care Home and remains independent, I would say the old East Enders were Strong and resilient Caricatures of there time, and he is one of the best Dads ever, I would of given anything to have known my Family back in the day, Thanks for reading, any questions, please ask, Ann Mare Dowsett Brighton East Sussex

  2. brian jones permalink
    September 12, 2014

    hi ann i was born in carr street we lived in the flats behind williams shop iam one of seven children three sisters and three brothers i remember a ada dowsett and i think my sister had a mate called dowsett but i cant remember there first name does your dad remember joe starlings pub at the top of carr st and frank dewers paper shop what a great place to be brought up everyone knew everyone and you could leave your door open and people helped one and other what a shame it got ruined i went back to see it some years ago its all gone it broke my heart the one thing that always bugged me was how it got the name maybe your dad knows

  3. David Hazard permalink
    December 10, 2014

    My name is Davy Hazard, 84 years old. I will be telling you all about the Dowsett family with love

  4. June 3, 2015

    Unfortunately My Dad died in June 22 2014, I really miss him, He is sadly missed, He had a fantastic send of , The Chapel was packed out with People that knew him, I met some Family but unfortunately with so many, didn’t have time to talk, Thank you for your replys and I am sorry I didn’t check your messages sooner, We looked after my Dad, so didn’t get back, would of loved to of asked him these questions,but I didn’t have the time, wish that I did!! I know Dad had a sister called Ada, also Sissy, Annie, Nancy, also Brothers Tommy, Sammy, I can’t remember the rest of their names, Any Idea’s will much appreciated

  5. Steve Chapman permalink
    September 28, 2016

    I realise its late and sorry to hear about your Dad my Mum grew up in Carr Street and is 90. She has problems with her memory reading your post and the associated replies has been good for her this evening she remembered most of your Dads family along with the names of those who replied one of her cousin she said married one of the Dowsetts. Reading her stories of the old East End gives her great joy. If you read this good luck to you. My Mums family name was Hare.

  6. John james permalink
    November 24, 2016

    Hi,My late Father who was born in 1907 grew up in Carr Street with his Brother and three Sisters.His Dad [my Grandfather] worked in Smithfield meat market as a cart driver,then when lorries came in as a lorry driver.He was also a bare knuckle fighter fighting for prize money.I believe that Carr St. also went by the name of Donkey Row,if anyone out there could throw any light on this i would be grateful. [the surname was James]

  7. November 2, 2017


    Thank you for the information on the people of Donkey Row -originally Carr Street East London.
    My sister and her husband Mr and Mrs John Boardman recognize many of the names you mentioned
    John Boardman and Violet Boardman remember Ann Marie Dowsetts Father and family very well. And would be pleased to speak to Ann.
    Their phone number is 01491 680 577

    My sister Violet Boardman also remembers David Hazard.
    My sisters maiden name is Violet Huggins we lived in Tomlins Terrace which was not far from Carr Street.

    John Boardman now aged 86 years played for Donkey Rovers football team.
    He remembers the names of the members of the team:-
    ie:- Jimmy Spragget, Billy Howard,Bobby Loynes,Ronnie Loynes, Alfy Curtis, Lenny Whitney,
    Johnny Monksfield, Harry Slough, Joey Joblin.
    They used to meet outside Clare Williams shop.

    They also knew Bobby Ramsey and George Gregary.

    Violet and John Boardman would be pleased for any information you have.
    With Thanks

    Telephone number 01491 680 577

  8. Denise wall permalink
    November 16, 2017

    Hi, loved reading all the comments, some a bit sad but humbling too. Was looking for a bit of history on Carr street as a friend who’s surname is Carr reckons it was named after one of his ancestors. Coincidencely my ancestors were also called Carr and came from the same area (we’re probably related but haven’t found the link yet). So if anyone know anything I’d be interested. Thanks

  9. David Izzard permalink
    December 24, 2017

    Hi All, Anne i think your dad was my dads 1st cousin we have been trying to track down a “Dowsett” from the east end as ive dine some reaserch on Thomas Samual Dowsett who was my nan Annie Dowsett ‘s Dad

    hope this finds you well

    Dacve Izzard Jnr

  10. David Izzard permalink
    December 24, 2017

    Hi Ann,

    after talking with my dad he told me your dad was his uncle making you his cousin , your dad was at my wedding

    dave x

  11. Marie Beer permalink
    June 22, 2018

    Hello All,

    My Dad, Bobby Beer, was born in Carr St. in 1913.

    I recognise most of your names from stories told in the family, I think most of us are related one way or another!

    My Dad’s sister was married to a Dowsett and I was having lunch with some of the cousins yesterday, which is why I was looking at this site.

    My Dad was well known for singing the song ‘Donkey Row’ at parties and weddings in fact any time the family of Carr St. got together. By family I mean anyone who lived in Carr St., related or not! I can only remember a few lines of the song, does anyone know it?

    We also have Carr’s in our family, it’s a small world!!



  12. Susan Hayzer permalink
    May 9, 2020

    Hi, My late father in law was born at no 43 Carr St and went to Halley School when he was 4yrs old. His name was Edward Andrew John Hayzer and known later in life as Jack. He was born in December 1899. I was wondering if anyone recognises the name?


  13. February 24, 2021

    I’m Dennis Alfred Carr’s daughter Paula, He was born 1938 at 47 wager st Stepney E14, His Dad Alfred was born 1908 at 100 Elsa st Limehouse and his mam was Mary Ann Elisabeth ,maiden name Brand born 1914 at 3 Maroon st Stepney. Dad use to talk about an uncle Bobby Beer who he got on very well with, use to take Dad to watch Millwall football games. Dad told me when I was little Carr’s lived in Carr street, near the canal . I’ve googled Carr street there was pubs there like Dad said. They must of been bombed during the blitz. Dad’s first memories was hiding under the staircase with his mam,brother Terry and auntie Lid who lived above them. Dad died 24th January 2019 aged 80 yrs. Ancestry site is good for tracking family history and even seeing photos of family history. Stay safe all the best Paula

  14. Peter permalink
    July 30, 2021

    My uncle always referred to Donkey Row, it’s possible that’s where the horse stables were. My grandfather had a fish shop at 3 Carr St in the 1930s

  15. Sarah Dowsett permalink
    January 15, 2022

    I’m Ann’s sister would love to hear stories especially from David Hazard

  16. Andrew permalink
    April 9, 2022

    I have Dowsetts, not sure how common the name is, but mine came from Essex, and go back to the 16thc. Great Waltham. They came to London from being water Mill workers, to shop keepers, in the 1830s.

  17. James Foster permalink
    March 10, 2023

    Just stumbled across theses posts as I was looking for references to “Donkey Row”. My mother was born there in 1915. So, I would like to throw a new name into the mix: The Herberts. I don’t know which number they lived at but there would have been about 7 children in total. My mother was Ellen, she had a younger sister called Doris and a younger brother Richard (known as Dick) My Grandfather worked with the horses at a local brewery. My Grandmother took in laundry and cooked meals for the dockworkers, which my mother would deliver in a pram! It is to my shame that I cannot recall the names of her elder siblings. I do know that one of her elder brothers was lost in Russia at the end of the First World War during the fighting of the revolution there.
    The family were evicted from their property following the death of my Grandfather. He was the named tennant and there was no compassion in those days I guess. My mother left London for the south east in the 1950’s, but she visited her roots sometime in the 1970’s and was really disappointed to find it was all gone and replaced with modern buildings. If anybody has any more info about my family, I would love to hear it.

  18. Charlie Drinkwater permalink
    August 12, 2023

    Hi, my name is Charlie Drinkwater, does anyone remember the Kings Arms PH in carr st ? Apparently my grand parents had this pub during the Blitz and were killed in the pub when it was bombed. Does anyone remember anything about this or remember the Drinkwater’s ?

  19. Cheri Birch- Honey/ family Carr/Slough from Carr Strret permalink
    April 2, 2024

    Hello Paula .
    Your dad was my cousin, your grandad known as uncle Alf, and your nan Cissy, Mary Ann Carr was my Nan, , my Nan had Mary, Eileen. Jimmy and Harry known as the Sloughs. Mary married name was Brand married to Mark, and they had a son Danny, Eileen my Mum had Tony and me married name Honey, your Dad had two brothers Micheal and Terry, my brother Tony was close to Michael but they lost touch quite a few years ago now. It has been lovely reading everyone’s comments certainly remember all these names that have been mentioned. And yes can remember them singing about Donkey Row after a few drinks in the pub. Such happy days .sadly my mum mary Harry and Jimmy no longer with us .

  20. EILEEN Worrow permalink
    July 16, 2024

    Hi, my husband, Jim Worrow, lived in the maisonette in Carr Street in the 60s and 70s. They were moved there from the old houses in King John Street. He is 77 now, and we both knew Bobby Ramsey too. I was interested when I saw the name Herbert mentioned, because Jim’s great great grandad, William Worrow was married to a Sarah Herbert, born in 1828.Her mum and dad were George and Jane Herbert. Would be good to know if there is a connection because the Worrow were also a well known old East End family

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