Paul Bommer’s Advent Calendar
December 1, 2011
Christmas is coming,
The Goose is getting Fat.
Please put a Penny
In the Old Man’s Hat.
If you haven’t got a Penny
A Ha’penny will do.
If you haven’t got a Ha’penny
God bless you!
It is my pleasure to welcome Paul Bommer as Spitalfields Life Artist-in-Residence for December, contributing a page of the Advent Calendar daily and other surprises along the way. From tomorrow, and every day until Christmas, you will have both a story from me and an Advent Calendar entry from Paul – The Gentle Author.
Illustration copyright © Paul Bommer
7 Responses
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How fabulous! What a splendid count down to Christmas!
I love this time of the year, and I particularly like advent calendars, so I look forward to viewing Paul Bommer’s calendar every morning. Thanks.
Ah, and so it begins. A magical countdown to christmas.
Snuggle in tight and have good cheer – it promises to be a one-horse open sleighride of yuletide folklore and delight!
Fabulous – I was really looking forward to your advent calendar, and here it is already!
Huzzah! I shall show Messrs Pickwick, Snodgrass, Tupman and Winkle your seasonal
calendar as we take coach to Dingley Dell for the Yuletide festivities. Off to buy a barrel
of oysters and a huge codfish…
My late dad used to recite this rhyme every year, thank you for reminding me of this!