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Joan Naylor of Bellevue Place

May 3, 2010
by the gentle author

This is Joan Naylor, photographed last year in the garden of her house in Bellevue Place, the hidden terrace of nineteenth century cottages in Stepney featured in “The London Nobody Knows,” that I visited recently in the footsteps of Geoffrey Fletcher.

Joan moved into Bellevue Place with her husband Bill in 1956 when they were first married, and they brought up their family there. “When we first moved in it was known as ‘Bunghole Alley’ and no-one wanted to live there,” she recalled with a shrug. Originally built as a crescent of cottages around a green which served in the Victorian period as tea gardens, Charringtons built a brewery on the site, lopping the terrace in half, constructing a wall round it and using the cottages for their key workers. Enclosed on all sides, there is a door in one wall that led directly into the brewery, which remains locked today, now the brewery is gone.

Joan’s husband, Bill, was a load clerk whose job it was to devise the most efficient delivery routes and loads for the draymen on the rounds of all the Charringtons pubs in the East End. When Joan arrived, the brewery workers started early, commencing each day with a few pints in the tap-room before beginning work, and Bill was able to pop home through the door in the wall at nine o’clock to enjoy breakfast with Joan.

“If you looked out of the bedroom window, you could see a pile of wooden barrels a hundred foot high, and the smell of stale beer permeated the air.” said Joan, recalling her first impressions.“Nothing had been changed in the house. The brewery brought in the decorators but we still had a tiny bathroom off the kitchen and an outside loo. It didn’t bother me. When you think we brought up six of us in that house – I remember the ice on the inside of the window! We used to cut up old barrels to light the fire and they’d burn really well because they had pitch in them.”

It is with pure joy that Joan remembers the days when there were around a dozen children, including her own, living in Bellevue Place. They all played together, chasing up and down the gardens, an ideal environment for games of hide and seek, and there were frequent parties when everyone celebrated together on birthdays, Christmas and bonfire night. “There was always a party coming up, always something to look forward to,” explained Joan, because it was not only the children who enjoyed a high old time in the secret enclave of Bellevue Place.

Although unassuming by nature, Joan became enraptured with delight as she explained that, since everyone knew each other on account of working together at the brewery, there was a constant round of parties for adults too. It was the arrival of Stan, the refrigeration engineer and famous practical joker, to live in the end cottage, that Joan ascribes as the catalyst for the Golden Age of parties in Bellevue Place. You can see Stan in the pith helmet in the photo below. When all the children were safely tucked up asleep (“We had children, we couldn’t go out“), the residents of Bellevue Place enjoyed lively fancy dress parties, in and out of the gardens, and each other’s houses too. “The word would go around from Stan and we would go round the charity shops to see what we could find, but no-one would tell anyone what their outfit was going to be. It was lovely. Everybody had fun and nobody carried on with each other’s wives.” Joan told me.

Let us not discount the proximity of the brewery in our estimation of the party years at Bellevue Place because I have no doubt there was never any shortage of drinks. Also, number one Bellevue Place, the large house at the beginning of the terrace, was empty and disused for many years, and the brewery even gave the residents a key, so it could become the social venue and youth club for the terrace, with a snooker table, and a roof top that was ideal for firework parties. With all these elements at their disposal, the enterprising party animals of Bellevue Place became expert at making their own entertainments.

There is a bizarre twist to Joan’s account of the legendary parties at Bellevue Place, because she was born on the twenty-ninth of February, which means she only had a birthday every leap year. So, when she did have a birthday, Joan’s neighbours organised parties appropriate to the birthday in question. In the photo below you can see her reading a Yogi Bear annual as a present for her seventh birthday, when she was twenty-eight years old. I hope Joan will not consider it indiscreet if I reveal to you that  she has now at last reached her twenty-first birthday.

It is apparent that the mutual support Joan enjoyed amongst the women in her terrace, who became her close friends, and the camaraderie shared by the men, who worked together in the brewery – all surrounded by the host of children that played together – created an exceptionally warm and close-knit community in Bellevue Place, that became in effect an extended family. Even though they did not have much money and lived together in a house that many would consider small for six, Joan’s memories of her own family life are framed by this rare experience of the place and its people in this particular circumstance, and it is an experience that many would envy.

Last winter, Joan moved out of Bellevue Place for good, but she had become the resident who had lived there the longest and remains the living repository of its history. Last week, I visited her in sheltered housing in Bethnal Green where she told me her beautiful stories of the vibrant social life of this modest brewery terrace, while her son John, who is a regular visitor, worked on his handheld computer in the corner of the room.

“We were very lucky to have lived down there to bring up the family,” said Joan, her eyes glistening with happiness, as she spread out her collection of affectionate and playful photographs, cherishing the events which incarnate the highlights of her existence in Bellevue Place. She may have first known it as “Bunghole Alley,” but for Joan Naylor “Bellevue Place” lived up to the promise of its name.

Joan, as flapper, with her neighbour Harry.

Joan (holding the glass) and her neighbours as hippies.

Lil, Teddy and Tilly, Joan’s neighbours in Bellevue Place.

Joan with her husband Bill, and Mrs Boxall who had lived the longest in Bellevue Place at that time.

One of Joan’s birthday parties, with presents appropriate to her seventh birthday.

Joan Naylor

12 Responses leave one →
  1. May 3, 2010

    Your writing never ceases to delight. Who could walk through Bellevue Place now without thinking of Stan in his pith helmet and Joan in her blue stockings?

  2. May 3, 2010

    I have been reading your blog for a while now and am always blown away by your writing and subjects…you really make real life look amazing and beautiful. Please stop by at my blog to collect a little something from today’s post. Carole x

  3. May 3, 2010

    What a charming piece of history! Thank you for sharing this.

  4. May 3, 2010

    I just enjoyed that so much that I wanted to say so.

  5. Joan permalink
    May 3, 2010

    This is beautiful. The photos remind me so much of ones taken in my childhood (both still and Super 8)and also of the Terence Davies film ‘Distant Voices, Still Life’. I often worry that my children don’t have that same sort of communal experience. When I was young there were always parties (usually based on the parish) and there were lots of adults who I knew as aunties and uncles even though we weren’t related. Of course the downside was that it was very difficult to break away from, or to bring different ideas to.

  6. sam permalink
    May 4, 2010

    Lovely stories, and fabulous photo of Lil, Teddy and Tilly dressed up to party having all visited the hairdresser that very day… I can almost smell the Elnett!… very glamorous ladies.

  7. Anne permalink
    May 4, 2010

    Fab, loved the three glamorous ladies , they could be a ‘girl group’ of their day.

  8. Joan permalink
    May 5, 2010

    Lovely story – and so true. Joan’s daughter and my daughter met when they were 3 years old and are friends to this day. I remember in the 70s going with my family every 5th Nov. for many years to celebrate in Bellevue Place with the Naylor family. It was such a magical little place.

  9. Jan Moxham permalink
    May 29, 2010

    I am Stan’s eldest daughter and remember life behind the “green door” as a magical time. Joan was often the butt of my father’s pranks. she was an easy target as she would collapse into peals of laughter.

  10. stephen riley permalink
    March 21, 2013

    good great gran was born in belle vue place in 1866…..i have visited the place a few times, joan always spoke to me if she was in her garden.i am doing my family tree and woud welcome any contact with anyone interested in my great gran, emily moran…….her house was one pulled down by, im told 1871……..very best wishes,i live in lancashire and love to visit london…..

  11. Neil Reynolds permalink
    September 15, 2018

    I lived at number 5 Belle Vue Place with my dad: -Earnest Reynolds, my mum Patricia Reynolds and my brother Ian Reynolds, until 1974.
    I remember Bill, Joan, Julie and the lovely Mrs Boxall who was our next door neighbour and lived at number 6 I think?
    I think Julie used to have a tortoise? And I remember making mud pies…happy days! 🙂

  12. Neil Reynolds permalink
    September 15, 2018

    I forgot to add that my father (Earnest Reynolds) worked at Charringtons Brewery along side Bill Naylor until 1974.
    Some of The Charringtons Brewery operation moved to Warrington in Cheshire shortly before we moved to Cheshire ourselves (my father followed his career)
    Best of luck and love to all!

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