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Columbia Road Market 23

February 21, 2010
by the gentle author

The market was quiet this morning after a night of rain, though there was a brief respite which permitted me to walk there and back before the day’s imminent storms broke. When there are less customers the prices at the market are keener so, perversely, I am always especially eager to get there when there is bad weather. Today I bought these five pots of Anemones from a nursery in Chingford for £13 which far exceeds my usual budget for the window box, but it was a good price because there are more than a dozen plants here.

This box on my bedroom window sill is the first sight I see when I wake each morning and the white Cyclamen I planted last Autumn have been a sorry picture for months, so I have been longing to replace the scene of Winter’s devastation though wary to replant the box with anything that is not hardy. These Anemones fit my requirements and the box perfectly, and I can transplant them into my garden in the Spring to enjoy them again next year. I think, if pushed, I should have to admit that the rich deep blue of Anemones is my favourite colour in the whole world, and these plants have plenty of new buds coming to greet me each morning with new flowers for many weeks to come.

4 Responses leave one →
  1. Anne permalink
    February 21, 2010

    Lovely, and the bird box ! hope you have something nesting soon.

  2. February 21, 2010

    Lucky you to have that view, and a garden, too. Your newly bought flowers make a fine show. I agree with you about that vibrant blue.

    Interesting that I should find your site the same week that I check a a Spitalfields-set book out from my New York library. The book, Necessary as Blood, is a mystery novel by Deborah Crombie. I am enjoying having parallel views of Spitalfields.


  3. Candice permalink
    February 22, 2010

    Am looking forward to wandering the markets when my huband, nephew, and I are in London in April. Your blog makes it all sound so wonderful!

    Have a great week.


  4. Wendy Davison permalink
    January 26, 2015

    I used to live in a Tower block on the end of Columbia Road, if my memory serves me right it was Siville House.

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