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Mr Pussy, natural born killer

September 29, 2009
by the gentle author


Last week, as I was watching the final compelling episode of Ed Wardle ALONE IN THE WILD on Channel 4, I cast my eyes down to witness Mr Pussy biting the head off a tiny mouse on the living room carpet. With the headless body still twitching, I scooped it up with dustpan and brush, ran downstairs and threw the remains outside where Mr Pussy consumed them all, skin, bones, feet and tail.

I have to admit to you that Mr Pussy has a history of violence. In Devon, before he came to Spitalfields, he killed regularly. Often, I would wake in the night to the sound of him chasing some poor creature round the house. I used to leap from my bed, shut him in another room and then chase the creature out with a broom.

Most distressing was coming downstairs to find injured birds for whom there was no hope. I am ashamed to confess that I once caught him with a Snipe, which is a rare species, though I did manage to rescue a huge Moorhen that he brought from the river, it escaped to live another day. I know that Mr Pussy was just following his nature and maybe even bringing me (unwanted) presents. Once as I was setting up the Christmas tree – he brought in a mouse, laid it down in front of the tree and then chased it round and round the pot.

Although Mr Pussy’s urban life may be less exciting, I am relieved that since he came to Spitalfields, he only catches vermin – no birds. He may not be reformed but most of the temptation has gone. Nowadays, I am prepared to tolerate these small kills that satisfy his bloodlust, in the hope that Mr Pussy’s days of indiscriminate mass murder are over.

6 Responses leave one →
  1. betsy permalink
    October 25, 2010

    my cat spike made the opposite journey from a flat to the wild countryside of cumbria…the first time she went out, swallows divebombed her, so she never attempted to catch a bird. but she caught everything else, and indeed often brought them home at night, dragging them up the stairs to the bedroom, and often dispatching and consuming them under the bed at 3 in the morning….a rather disturbing if regular event.

  2. the gentle author permalink*
    October 25, 2010

    Mr Pussy caught a mouse in the kitchen and ate it on my bedroom floor yesterday…

  3. October 18, 2012

    Mr. B brought in some sort of prey in the small hours of the morning. I heard the ruckus but I can’t find a body. I fear I will smell it long before it is found. Such is the way of the tiny tiger.

    P.S. I adore your blog!

  4. big pussy permalink
    January 23, 2013

    put a bell round mr pussy neck, then the animals can here him coming, put it on piece of thread so he cannot get strangled

  5. Sally permalink
    August 7, 2023

    I’m glad you care about the birds.

  6. Martyn Woolf permalink
    January 26, 2025

    I have only just read your interesting comments about Mr. Pussy. At about the same time, that is, quite a few years ago, I also was allowed to share my house with another Mr. Pussy who had the same way with mice and other small mammals. I put a bell around his neck and proceeded to tell my children that it did not impede Mr. Pussy’s activities, for he used to ensure that the bell did not ring by holding it with one of his front paws. It was fun developing the feline activities of our pet, as he walked around on three legs.
    My children told bedtime stories to my grand-children about the amazing tricks that Mr. Pussy could do on his remaining usable legs. Tight-rope walking was not one of his accomplishments.

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