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Unauthorized use or duplication of these words and pictures without written permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Spitalfields Life with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Spitalfields Life is published daily by Spitalfields Life Books Ltd
What is the name of the restaurant seen in the video. It has beautiful inlaid paneling.
Just found your blog and looking forward to your posts.
I have a 3/- token, approx one inch square with John Wackett, Spitalfields. I could send you images if you tell me where.
I have attached my new email address, I had to change it and now l cannot get any more news. You wrote my story, called David Prescott of 103 commercial St and my dear friend Vivian Betts, which we now have a Réunion club where we all meet up once or twice a year in the Ten Bells. Most of us lived in flower and Dean Street thrawl St, look it up on face book maybe turn up on a reunion for more stories lol. Thanks for the stories you have given so far.
David. Prescott