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Endurance & Joy in the East End 1971-1987

September 15, 2024
by the gentle author


In spring 2019, David Hoffman asked me to publish his book and now, after more than five years of hard work, we are very proud of it and it is available for you to buy. This is a beautiful cloth-bound hardback of 240 pages containing over 200 duotone photographic prints on good quality paper, to be published on 17th October.

The cover price is £35 but if you order now you can buy it for £30 and you will receive a signed copy on publication.




When he was a young photographer, David Hoffman came to live in a squat in Fieldgate Mansions in Whitechapel and it changed his life. Over the following years, he documented homelessness, racism and the rise of protest in startlingly intimate and compassionate pictures to compose a vital photographic testimony of resilience.

David has written an extensive introduction and commentary outlining his journey to Whitechapel, following in the footsteps of his parents and grandfather before him, and explaining how he became a photographer.

Here you will discover David’s photographs of the exuberant life and residents of Fieldgate Mansions where he squatted, including the police evictions and the street parties. You will discover his astonishing photographs of East End markets, including the animal and the junk markets around Brick Lane. You will discover his poignant photographs of the old East End that was demolished. You will discover his heartbreaking portraits from St Botolph’s homeless shelter. You will discover his raucous photographs of parties at pensioners’ clubs. You will discover his apocalyptic photographs of the first Crisis at Christmas when hundreds of homeless people bedded down in a church. You will discover his surreal photographs of the crucifixion enacted on the streets of Stepney at Easter. You will discover his joyful photographs of street festivals. And you will discover his powerful photographs of the anti-racist protests which came to define that era.

This is an essential book for everyone who loves the East End.




Fieldgate Mansions, 1981

Christmas Party at St Hilda’s, 1975

Club Row animal market, 1980

Homeless people line up for their Christmas dinner in a disused church, 1977

E1 Festival, 1974

Anti-racists occupying Brick Lane to prevent the National Front from setting up its stall following the racist murder of Altab Ali in 1978

Photographs copyright © David Hoffman


4 Responses leave one →
  1. September 15, 2024

    Wish you all the very best for your book David. Well deserved. All the best, John.

  2. September 15, 2024

    Congratulations on this monumental achievement. Writing and publishing a book, I always think, is rather like building a house. From the planning and designing stage, through to laying the foundations and laying each course of literary bricks. Once it is realised, it stands forever, to be viewed by all those who choose to look and explore.
    David’s photographs offer a unique and empathetic eye on this place at these times. Historically and socially, it is an important record, but so much more. Pathos, pride, despair, love, joy, friendship, community – all are pictured here.
    Very well done to both of you.

  3. September 15, 2024

    Congratulations! I hope it reaches far and wide.

  4. Corvin permalink
    September 15, 2024

    Congratulations on crossing the line and look forward to celebrating in October.
    Love the pictures you have on the post but somewhat saddened that we may have regressed since they were taken.

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