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The Petticoat Lane Mosaic

August 19, 2024
by the gentle author

Thanks to those who have contributed so far we have raised a third of our target in less than a week



Mosaic makers, Elspeth, Ken, David, Sheri, Alice, Beryl, Dani and in the front row, Lee, Tessa, Janice


Petticoat Lane Market has a special place in my affections because it was where my parents went on their honeymoon in 1958. Today it commands my respect as the most authentic local market, because Petticoat Lane is not a recreational market as the others are but the place where you go if you need to buy things cheap.

So it was an especial delight to go over there and congratulate Tessa Hunkin and her colleagues from Hackney Mosaic Project, the makers of the new Petticoat Lane mosaic which celebrates the history of the market.

For many months, they have been working to complete the mosaic in the pavilion on Hackney Downs which serves as their workshop and yesterday came to admire their latest creation now installed on the wall of the Petticoat Tower Estate on the west side on Middlesex St.

Even as we stood there, passersby stopped to take photos of themselves in front of the mosaic which gave the proud makers a visible and gratifying confirmation that they have created a popular success.

At the centre of the mosaic is a view down Middlesex St, flanked by roundels of textile designs and the market personalities of yesteryear (including Prince Monolulu and Sid Strong), embellished with images of petticoats. If you look closely, there are even some actual pearl buttons set into the mosaic in honour of the pearly kings and queens.

Afterwards, the mosaic makers took the opportunity for a stroll around the market followed by a hearty lunch at Nora’s Cafe on Wentworth St to celebrate the completion of yet another successful project to add to the dozens of mosaics they have installed over the past ten years which elevate our East End streets with their wit and beauty.

A Spitalfields silk design and Sid Strong, the crockery juggler

A Bengali textile design and an Organ Grinder

A Pearly Queen and a Wax Batik textile design

THE HACKNEY MOSAIC PROJECT is seeking commissions, so if you would like a mosaic please get in touch

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5 Responses leave one →
  1. Sarah Ainslie permalink
    August 19, 2024

    Wonderful mosaic and so beautifully made by you all. Sarah

  2. Milo permalink
    August 19, 2024

    That’s one damned fine looking mosaic. Congratulations to all involved.

  3. Marcia Howard permalink
    August 19, 2024


  4. August 19, 2024

    I always look forward to any posts about these magnificent mosaic artists. This latest venture is so characteristically colorful, humane, revealing, and pertinent to the region. It is public storytelling
    at its best. I especially love the treatment of the letters, at the top. Dare I say, they look almost
    quilt-like, or maybe evocative of children’s blocks, or like “illuminated” cap letters in a book, or, or, or. So many grace notes. So much to notice and observe. This is a mural that one can look at endlessly, and graze upon all of the artful details. Congratulations to everyone!

  5. Katy permalink
    August 19, 2024

    I have an affection for Petticoat Lane Market. I worked in Lombard Street circa 1977 and would venture to the market at lunch time. I recall sets of china and the colour and sounds of the market. The mosaic is a lovely work of art by Hackney Mosaic Project that draws on the vibrancy and characters and the pearly buttons are a very special touch.

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