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The Wallpapers Of Spitalfields

August 12, 2024
by the gentle author

Tickets are available for my tour throughout August & September


One house in Fournier St has wallpapers dating from 1690 until 1960. This oldest piece of wallpaper was already thirty years old when it was pasted onto the walls of the new house built by joiner William Taylor in 1721, providing evidence – as if it were ever needed – that people have always prized beautiful old things.

John Nicolson, the current owner of the house, keeps his treasured collection of wallpaper preserved between layers of tissue in chronological order, revealing both the history and tastes of his predecessors. First, there were the wealthy Huguenot silk weavers who lived in the house until they left for Scotland in the nineteenth century, when it was subdivided as rented dwellings for Jewish people fleeing the pogroms in Eastern Europe. Yet, as well as illustrating the precise social history of this location in Spitalfields, the wider significance of the collection is that it tells the story of English wallpaper – through examples from a single house.

When John Nicolson bought it in 1995, the house had been uninhabited since the nineteen thirties, becoming a Jewish tailoring workshop and then an Asian sweatshop before reaching the low point of dereliction, repossessed and rotting. John undertook a ten year renovation programme, moving into the attic and then colonising the rooms as they became habitable, one by one. Behind layers of cladding applied to the walls, the original fabric of the house was uncovered and John ensured that no materials left the building, removing nothing that predated 1970. A leaky roof had destroyed the plaster which came off the walls as he uncovered them, but John painstakingly salvaged all the fragments of wallpaper and all the curios lost by the previous inhabitants between the floorboards too.

“I wanted it to look like a three hundred year old house that had been lovingly cared for and aged gracefully over three centuries,” said John, outlining his ambition for the endeavour, “- but it had been trashed, so the challenge was to avoid either the falsification of history or a slavish recreation of one particular era.” The house had undergone two earlier renovations, to update the style of the panelling in the seventeen-eighties and to add a shopfront in the eighteen-twenties. John chose to restore the facade as a domestic frontage, but elsewhere his work has been that of careful repair to create a home that retains its modest domesticity and humane proportions, appreciating the qualities that make these Spitalfields houses distinctive.

The ancient wallpaper fragments are as delicate as butterfly wings now, but each one was once a backdrop to life as it was played out through the ages in this tottering old house. I can envisage the seventeenth century wallpaper with its golden lozenges framing dog roses would have gleamed by candlelight and brightened a dark drawing room through the winter months with its images of summer flowers, and I can also imagine the warm glow of the brown-hued Victorian designs under gaslight in the tiny rented rooms, a century later within the same house. When I think of the countless hours I have spent staring at the wallpaper in my time, I can only wonder at the number of day dreams that were once projected upon these three centuries of wallpaper.

Flowers and foliage are the constant motifs throughout all these papers, confirming that the popular fashion for floral designs on the wall has extended for over three hundred years already. Sometimes the flowers are sparser, sometimes more stylised but, in general, I think we may surmise that, when it comes to choosing wallpaper, people like to surround themselves with flowers. Wallpaper offers an opportunity to inhabit an everlasting bower, a garden that never fades or requires maintenance. And maybe a pattern of flowers is more forgiving than a geometric design? When it comes to concealing the damp patches, or where the baby vomited, or where the mistress threw the wine glass at the wall, floral is the perfect English compromise of the bucolic and the practical.

Two surprises in this collection of wallpaper contradict the assumed history of Spitalfields. One is a specimen from 1895 that has been traced through the Victoria & Albert Museum archive and discovered to be very expensive – sixpence a yard, equivalent to week’s salary – entirely at odds with the assumption that these rented rooms were inhabited exclusively by the poor at that time. It seems that then, as now, there were those prepared to scrimp for the sake of enjoying exorbitant wallpaper. The other surprise is a modernist Scandinavian design by Eliel Saarinen from the nineteen twenties – we shall never know how this got there. John Nicolson likes to think that people who appreciate good design have always recognised the beauty of these exemplary old houses in Fournier St, which would account for the presence of both the expensive 1895 paper and the Saarinen pattern from 1920, and I see no reason to discount this theory.

I leave you to take a look at this selection of fragments from John’s archive and imagine for yourself the human dramas witnessed by these humble wallpapers of Fournier St.

Fragments from the seventeen-twenties

Hand-painted wallpaper from the seventeen-eighties

Printed wallpaper from the seventeen-eighties



Mid-nineteenth century fake wood panelling wallpaper, as papered over real wooden panelling

Wallpaper by William Morris, 1880

Expensive wallpaper at sixpence a yard from 1885


Late nineteenth century, in a lugubrious Arts & Crafts style

A frieze dating from  1900

In an Art Nouveau style c. 1900

Modernist design by Finnish designer Eliel Saarinen from the nineteen-twenties

Nineteen-sixties floral

Vinyl wallpaper from the nineteen-sixties

Items that John Nicolson found under the floorboards of his eighteenth-century house in Fournier St, including a wedding ring, pipes, buttons, coins, cotton reels, spinning tops, marbles, broken china and children’s toys. Note the child’s leather boot, the pair of jacks found under the front step, and the blue bottle of poison complete with syringe discovered in a sealed-up medicine cupboard which had been papered over. Horseshoes were found hidden throughout the fabric of the house to bring good luck, and the jacks and child’s shoe may also have been placed there for similar reasons.

10 Responses leave one →
  1. Cherub permalink
    August 12, 2024

    I kept going back to the blue and white floral one as it’s so pretty.

    The broken pottery pieces brought back memories. My family lived in a house 2 streets away from the pottery in Scotland that was famous for making Wemyss Ware. The designer was Bohemian and had lived in a house in the next street to us. The pottery is long gone now, the designs are reproduced by a company called Griselda Hill Pottery, but you can see originals in Kirkcaldy Museum. When my dad died we inherited the house and we used to churn up old broken pieces of Wemyss Ware and other assorted pottery that was made when we were digging in the vegetable garden. It felt like finding buried treasure, I used to put them on the kitchen windowsill with seashells from the beach.

  2. Claire D permalink
    August 12, 2024

    Fascinating post for a Monday morning.

    I particularly like the cobalt blue and white delicate floral from the 1820s, so pretty.

    Many thanks as usual GA for your thoughtful and imaginative writing, it is life enhancing.

  3. August 12, 2024

    My admiration goes to John Nicholson. Beautiful collection.

  4. Jillian permalink
    August 12, 2024

    What a wonderful article. I bought my house in 1974 it was built in 1874. I have tried to keep to its original history. I have kept the original wallpaper in the bathroom – very Victorian – with boats and tried to keep the original paper in the kitchen but unfortunately an electrician ripped it all out and put it in the bin. It was very floral and decorative. I still have the original dumb servant waiter in the kitchen with all the ropes and my house is the only one remaining with the original features. As soon as someone moves in to this terrace of eight houses the house is ripped out and converted. A famous rock star David Gilmour bought number eight and did a fabulous job of renovated it but he has now moved away. It has been suggested that I open the house to the National Trust including me according to a friend but I would be too embarased at the state of the kitchen!

  5. August 12, 2024

    The topic of paper………………(sigh) It never gets old. I love the strands of this story — yes, history. But also the adornment of a home, a beloved fascinating collection, home decor/color trends of yore, and now this blog post shared with endless readers. The story just keeps going and going. And one “might” just think that shards of old wallpaper would just be forgotten. But, no.

    A good friend of mine and incredible photographer, owns an old farmhouse nearby. In the past, when I have wanted to find interesting locations to photograph artwork, we have explored every INCH of her old picturesque house. My favorite recollection is when we peeked into a hidden crawlspace and discovered (oh, lordy!) some exposed old wooden lath as well as some dangling
    shreds of old sepia-toned wallpaper. Soon, BOTH of us crawled inside, along with her big camera, and crouched there (nose to nose) , setting up the props for the photo. As we refined the shot, she remembered that she had an old-fashioned rotary fan somewhere in the house — and did I agree that it would also be fabulous as part of the set-up? Yes indeed. So……..she wiggled out, I wiggled out, she found the fan, and we both crouched back inside the space, and completed the shot. We giggled like fiends, and that photograph is one of the best shots in the whole book. I still look at it with great fondness, remembering how that unexpected glimpse of the old WALL PAPER sparked all those great ideas.

  6. Mark. permalink
    August 12, 2024

    Can’t hang paper for tuppence.
    Some lovely examples.
    Sucker for the nineteen sixties myself.

  7. August 12, 2024

    Great article, John has a real treasure trove there.

  8. marianne Isaacs permalink
    August 13, 2024

    What a wonderful article. Thankyou. I was surprised that such expensive paper was being used in a building which by the 1880s must have been a less desirable neighborhood . I guess it confirms that a love of beauty is universal.

  9. anarchowalker permalink
    August 13, 2024

    What a fascinating article. Thank you.

  10. emmie pollard permalink
    August 14, 2024

    What a gentle article.
    The wallpapers could tell an amazing story of the residents in their time.
    Grateful that there are owners like John who treasure and relish such things.

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