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David Johnson’s East End

June 5, 2024
by the gentle author

Click here to book your ticket for THE GENTLE AUTHOR’S TOUR OF SPITALFIELDS


Liverpool St Station

Shall we take a tour around the East End in the early eighties in the company of David Johnson, courtesy of his wonderful Kodachrome photographs?

“My interest in London’s history goes back to the late sixties, when as a teenager I would take the train from Oxford and then, using a Red Bus Rover ticket and a copy of Geoffrey Fletcher’s The London Nobody Knows, discover some of the most interesting and off-beat parts of the capital. In 1977, seeking a job after graduating and with a strong interest in photography, I ended up in London selling cameras in Tottenham Court Rd. I first explored the old wharves and docklands before they disappeared and then, after moving to Dalston, the East End. Derelict buildings, faded signs, architecture on a human scale are all things which I liked to photograph then – and still do today.”

David Johnson

Liverpool St Station

Liverpool St Station

Liverpool St Station

Artillery Lane

Brushfield St

Christ Church Spitalfields

Fashion St

Spitalfields barber

Hanbury St

Brick Lane

Homeless men in Spitalfields

The City from Spitalfields

Whitechapel Market

Wapping Police Station


St Paul’s School, Wellclose Sq

Wapping High St

River Plate Wharf


Wapping Pier Head

The Gun, Isle of Dogs

The Black Horse, Limehouse

Grove Place, Hackney

Empress Coaches, Hackney

Regent’s Canal

Cat & Mutton Bridge

Broadway Market

Broadway Market

George Tallet, Fishmonger, Hackney

Carr’s Pet Stores, Hackney

Trederwen Rd, Hackney

Photographs copyright © David Johnson

9 Responses leave one →
  1. Andy permalink
    June 5, 2024

    Makes me feel good to come from here .

  2. Peta bridle permalink
    June 5, 2024

    I think these are lovely photos. A beautiful collection of images. Just the sort of things that inspire me! Pete

  3. Cherub permalink
    June 5, 2024

    The last photo – I wonder who the Pussys were of Pussy’s Butchers?

  4. Mark permalink
    June 5, 2024

    The London I remember to a degree.
    Liverpool Street especially vivid, just as I remember it.
    Great pictures of a beautifully decrepit East End, ripe for the greedy bastards to redeveloped and to begin excluding the locals.
    Thanks one and all.

  5. JLW permalink
    June 5, 2024

    I couldn’t have put it better than Mark if I tried. Wonderful photos, so atmospheric. Thank you.

  6. Patrick permalink
    June 5, 2024

    Superb photos of times long gone and places greatly changed. The Black Horse was always referred to as ‘The House They Left Behind’. I think it is actually a house now.

  7. Cherub permalink
    June 5, 2024

    I like the photos of Liverpool Street station. It had a lot of character before they revamped it and built Broadgate.

  8. Eve permalink
    June 5, 2024

    ooh.. the nostalgic longing these familiar street photos resurrect in memory of younger days – feels like home..

  9. Bill permalink
    June 5, 2024

    I really like the new fashioned/old fashioned shop signage for the Spitalfields barber shop. Quite a sharp-looking front, too.

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