At The Georgian Group
Click here to book THE GENTLE AUTHOR’S TOURS for July & August
Behold the magnificence of this seventeen-nineties Adam Brothers’ house in Fitzroy Sq which serves as the headquarters of The Georgian Group.
Click here to book THE GENTLE AUTHOR’S TOURS for July & August
Behold the magnificence of this seventeen-nineties Adam Brothers’ house in Fitzroy Sq which serves as the headquarters of The Georgian Group.
from → Cultural Life
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This was once the home of some of my husband’s illustrious ancestors. The Victorian Dicksee artists included Sir Frank (President Royal Academy), Thomas Francis, John Robert, Herbert Thomas, and Margaret. They all exhibited at the RA.
Thank you GA. What a treat to be able to see inside. I lived in Charlotte St for a while and worked in Tottenham Street so spent much time sitting in Fitzroy Square wondering about the interiors of the gorgeous houses.
I am an unrepentant lover of everything Georgian, but looking at these photos I experienced the odd response that it must be rather freaky and discomfiting to walk through that place at night with the lights off! (To be fair, I had the same sort of reaction to the John Soames’s Museum.) I’m not a particularly fanciful person, but all those white, frozen stone bodies and classically disembodied heads…
Still, it is a treasure and thank you for sharing it!
Marvelous pictures. That last one was a stabber. Ah, the future!
I am from the town the Adam brothers and Adam Smith were born in, Kirkcaldy in Scotland.