The Dandy’s Perambulations
I am grateful to Sian Rees for kindly drawing my attention to The Dandy’s Perambulations by Robert Cruickshank, being an account of a trip to Kew Gardens in 1819
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I am grateful to Sian Rees for kindly drawing my attention to The Dandy’s Perambulations by Robert Cruickshank, being an account of a trip to Kew Gardens in 1819
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What fun! At breakfast, the dandy story amused me wonderfully. And what was true 200 years ago is just as relevant today — unbelievable.
Love & Peace
Priceless! Thank you.
Brilliant. “Terrific eyes….”
200 years? I’m sure I know him now! What a wonderfully written comic tale of insecurity and self obsession. Loved it.
Can you believe that we have fox hunts, hereabouts in Columbia County NY? (I can hardly believe it myself………) And let’s get it out of the way right now: The FOX is never killed or harmed.
Just, ahem, chased.
Anyhow, a local gent I know was telling me every detail of the Hunt, including the specialized clothing. Apparently, the red coats worn by the male riders are known as “pinks”. And, according to my fox-hunting friend, the terminology came from a noted, in-demand tailor, Mr. Pink.
(but, wait a minute! — Doesn’t the Dandy know that it is VERY bad luck to put his hat on
the bed!? )
Such fun way to start my morning!
This is wonderful