At The Georgian Group
February 5, 2017
Behold the magnificence of this seventeen-nineties Adam Brothers’ house in Fitzroy Sq which serves as the headquarters of The Georgian Group.
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Behold the magnificence of this seventeen-nineties Adam Brothers’ house in Fitzroy Sq which serves as the headquarters of The Georgian Group.
from → Cultural Life
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Ah to be in be London. A free visit to such an august address would be most interesting . I have to say those bland plaster/marble busts don’t float my boat but the Georgian interiors would. As would peering down from an upstairs window, through the branches at two o’clock on a Sunday afternoon, thinking of the generations of men and women who have done that before me and will do after me. And creating one individual within my head. Instead I will be preparing for an OFSTED inspection. I hope to visit London properly before the end of summer and hopefully in Spring.
Fitzroy Square is perhaps the finest of Bloomsbury’s many Georgian squares.
I liked this blog by GA for the house in the Square. It has a noble appearance but puny against this modern intruder the BT Tower. There is a certain tranquillity in this Sq. No.6 survived WW2 and is rock solid to this day by good maintenance; yes its well looked after with love by the Group. Personally I would like to see a few costumed Georgian figures on the floors to add some realism. Ground floors still have the original style flag stones, not sure what’s in the rooms below stairs the ?servants quarters could have been there. Poet John
Fascinating to read. For 12 years I worked next door for james stirling and michael wilford architects working on projects all over the world. The square is very speacial, somehow more than the sum of its parts. For me this is great architecture, making places inviting and of course built with quality in mind – made to last.
The Georgian group building was formerly the Barclays Bank in the square. Clearly the Georgian group’s occupation is far more comfortable and many of the houses have been returned to residential use. What makes it speacial is the diversity and mixture of occupants overlooking a wonderfully laid out green circle.
Beautifully photographed- thank you
What has happened to us, where is our sense of style, proportion and elegance now? Just look at that ghastly BT tower in the background, no style, no proportion and absolutely no elegance.
I know it is unfashionable to say so but I think that the surroundings that people live in affect their personalities and their sense of well being, and what is being forced on us now, in the name of architecture, is affecting us all very badly; we also have no style, no sense of proportion and certainly no elegance. Those who were fortunate enough to be able to afford it in Georgian times had all of those things. Obviously I appreciate that many were not so fortunate, but surely it would be possible to build beautiful buildings now which would be in scale and would delight the eye, as these Georgian buildings and the contents do, and we would all be better behaved for it!! Rant over.
Going there today! Thankyou SL
What a wonderful place! Valerie
Oh I wish I lived closer to London. I would love to walk through all the rooms and imagine myself back in time. I love Georgian architecture. I think it is the straight lines and symmetry.
Why can’t we design nice buildings now?!
G B Shaw lived at no 29 with his mum.
Dear Gentle Author. We visited this afternoon and were mightily impressed. Have come home enthused to make a chandelier from shells! Thanks so much for all you do.