Strange And Terrible News!
April 30, 2016
7 Responses
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How interesting that various people would come round and eat and /or buy their dinner from them.
What a terrible way to die. Ratsbane is an old word for arsenic.
….and this huge cover-up for rotten meat being fed to people may have cost a neighbour their life as witch-burning was common then! No forensic testing existed to identify specific arsenic or ratsbane!
…with all his praestigious devices, to make us the sad actors of our own ruine…
amazing language.
Valerie Paynter’s suggestion of a cover-up for rotten meat makes sense, btw. wouldn’t have thought of it on my own.
Really strange and horrible! Valerie
Gentle Author, could you please explain to me, if you know, why the letter “S” is formed as two different characters, the modern looking S and the one that is similar to the letter “f”.
I see them both uses in this article most foul, but there doesn’t seem to be rhyme nor reafon, (misspelling intended), to their usage.
Many thanks
I went to a school in Weybridge, Surrey called Wallop in the 1950s. The head master was Colonel Biss who used to sign his name Bifs.