Huguenot Portraits
As a prelude to the Huguenots of Spitalfields Festival which opens next week, Contributing Photographer Lucinda Douglas-Menzies (who is of Huguenot descent) accompanied me on a visit to the French Hospital in Rochester which has offered accommodation for Huguenots since 1718.
La Providence, Rochester
“An interesting community of Huguenot refugees had its centre in Spitalfields. Their forebears had come over from France in the years following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. They had become naturalized in England yet their descendants still formed a foreign community – a closed society with the intelligence that accompanies the easy use of two languages, along with the piety of a persecuted race and with the frugal wealth of Frenchmen who are, or have been, dependent upon their own exertions for a living.” – from ‘Time and Chance. The Story of Arthur Evans and his forebears’ by Joan Evans, Lucinda Douglas-Menzies’ great-great-aunt.
Jane Brown
“I am descended from Rev Francois Guillaume Durand who married Anne de Brueys de Fontcourverte. He was captured by soldiers and imprisoned in the castle in Sommieres with other pastors, but he managed to escape and lived in the woods where his parishioners brought him food and clothing. Eventually he left to Savoy and helped raise two Huguenot regiments to fight for William III, and he became the first pastor of the Walloon Church in Nijmegen – but his wife, Anne, was captured and put in a convent and died there, and his three children were seized by Jesuits and brought up as Roman Catholic. He made a bargain with God that if he got out of France alive, he’d devote his sons to the church and subsequently his grandson became a clergymen. Eventually, he came to England and was the first pastor at the Dutch Church in Norwich and then in Canterbury.
It was my grandmother, Helen Durand who was the Huguenot and I was brought up on it. I thought I had better put my name down for the French Hospital, so I sent an enquiry and got a reply back within half an hour saying we’ve got a flat for you. I was a Public Relations practitioner in race relations for a long time and I learnt that knowing your roots is quite important. My husband was from Jamaica and was very proud of his background. I teach journalism and publishing, and I edit the quarterly magazine ‘Rotary in London.'”
Jack Minett & Poppy
“I’m seventy-five, I haven’t got my teeth in and I’m not going to put them in because I am an old fellow. I’ve always known I was a Huguenot, but I didn’t know what it meant. My Huguenot ancestry was researched by my aunt – I believe there were two brothers who came over as refugees before all the chopping went on. One went to Gloucestershire and became a farmer, and the other was a doctor who set up a clinic in Camberwell.
My grandfather was a butcher in Forest Hill and I was born in Peckham. I’ve been very poorly and they sent me home to die – that was seventeen years ago when I came here to the Hospital with my wife Maureen, and I am still alive! I have two sons and a grandson, so the name continues. The founder of the Huguenot Society was a Minett and Charles Dickens has a Dr Manet in ‘Tale of Two Cities.’ And you’ve got to realise that Poppy, my little dog, is now a Huguenot too.”
Doreen Chaundy
“Chaundy is the family name and it goes back twelve generations to a small village called Chauny, north of Paris – a little before the Huguenots. They are recorded in the parish records of Ascott-under-Wychwood in 1548, but my branch ends with me because I have no children and my brother died in the war. He was shot down in the North Sea when he was nineteen. I have no relations. I am eighty-six years old and I have been here twenty-four years.
I was a secretary and I passed my insurance exams but I was a bit early – I realise I was forty years too soon when I see what girls are able to do now, in those days we were just secretaries. I was born in Glasgow but my father was a Londoner and, when I bought a house in Wembley in my early thirties, both my parents came to join me and they stayed for thirty years. Both of them lived into their nineties and my father lived to be ninety-eight. When I he died, I applied to come and live here. I have had two brain operations and survived them. I always say I am a refugee from the Glasgow rain.”
Jenny Turner
“My great-grandmother was Eleanor Grimmo of Spitalfields. Her great-grandfather was Peter Grimmo, a weaver, who in 1839 was living at 4 Fort St, Old Artillery Ground, Spitalfields. By January 1869, his son Peter was living at 10, Turville St, Church St (now Redchurch St), Shoreditch, when he married Mary Fulseer of Bethnal Green – and in July of that year, Mary gave birth to my great-grandmother Eleanor. She told me that her father Peter Grimmo was a seal fur dyer who invented the Silver Fox Fur. My grandmother spoke French and German and was an interpreter in the First World War. We weren’t a highly educated family, so we were amazed at this but her mother was also fluent in French and her grandparents were wholly French, so it all ties in.
I’m sixty-nine and I’m on my own these days. I was a primary school teacher for forty-two years and I retired four years ago. I’ve always known we had French relatives, but it has only been in the past ten years that my daughter has been researching the family ancestry and that’s how we found out about this place.”
Michael Oblein
“My ancestor Noe Oblein came to London in 1753. He was was weaver in Shoreditch and he married Marie Dupre at St Matthew’s Bethnal Green in 1774. My father did the family research and everyone called Oblein is a relative. There are about five hundred alive. We are in contact with others all over the world, in Australia and in Rochester in America – where they have reunions every year. My father went to one and I’d like to go.
I was firefighter in Deptford for thirteen years. We came here last August, it’s brilliant – they look after you so well. I was born in Deptford and lived in Plumstead and Chatham. We sold our house and we always said how nice it was here. I shall never forget how I felt when I first walked through the gates. On Friday and Saturday nights, it’s a riot out in the High St but it’s always peaceful in here.”
Christine Cordier
“It was my husband, Ray, that wanted to come here – he was the one with the Huguenot connection. I was a teacher and he was a dental hygienist, one of the first men to do that. We met in church and we were married in Gillingham United Reform Church in 1970.
I came here in 2007, we had planned to come here together. Five years earlier, we had moved to North Lincolnshire because we wanted to live in a small village and we had a lovely home. Then we decided it was time we put our names down here, but unfortunately he developed a brain tumour as we were in the process of moving and he died so I came here on my own. It can be lonely, but I spend a lot of time at Rochester Cathedral, working in the shop and the welcome desk, so I have got to know a lot of people that way.”
Nigel Marchment
“My Huguenot ancestor was Joseph Poitier who came from Lot to Bethnal Green in 1749, I think he was a carpenter. I’ve always known this since I was small because my father always said we were French, but he couldn’t remember how. So after I retired and I lost my wife, I decided to find out and I built up the family tree. Joseph’s son, George Poitier, was baptised in St Leonard’s, Shoreditch, in 1768.
During the war, when was five, I was evacuated to my grandparents in Eastbourne and the Huguenot Society paid for my education until I left school in Forest Gate at aged fifteen. I studied book-keeping and shorthand typing but never touched it from the day I left school. I started off as an office boy at Arnett & Co (cargo superintendents at Fenchurch St in the City) from 1949-50, then I became accounts clerk at Reliance Telephones in WC2 from 1950-56, I worked for the Cleveland Petroleum Co in Euston from 1956-58, then I was a despatch clerk at Silcock & Colling Ltd, Ford’s delivery agent in Dagenham from 1958-72 and finally I moved to Basildon where I worked for Standard telephone & cables from 1973-1977 and Morse Controls Ltd from 1977 -1997. I took early retirement to care for my wife until she passed away on April 3rd 2001 and then I had heart attack on the morning of April 4th. They said it was caused by stress. I came to live here in the French Hospital in August 2008.”
Ann Blyth
“The Huguenot was my grandfather, his name was Ravine. The family were based in Canterbury around the Via St Gregory. I’ve only traced them back as far as 1721 but when I pack up my job, I’m going to find out more. It wasn’t until my father died and my brother was chopping wood and breaking coal in Felstead in Essex and I was trying to bring my mother here, that I got to know the Steward. He said, ‘You’ve got to be a Huguenot,’ so I said, ‘We are!’
I was in my forties and she was in her seventies, and she moved in here in 1983 and she was here for fourteen and a half years. I came in August 2005. I teach T’ai Chi and I do a weekly session with ten regular students. One is ninety-seven and she can stand on one leg. I didn’t start until I was sixty and I’ve been doing it fourteen and a half years, and it’s made all the difference to my fitness and balance.”
Eileen Bell
“I’m ninety-one. I came here with my husband, Bill, thirty-three years ago because he wanted to get out of London. If he was here he could explain the Huguenot connection, but he died twelve years ago. I was born in Bermondsey and lived all my life in Bermondsey. I worked for twenty years for the gas board. I have one son and one grandson. I’ve never been back to Bermondsey.”
Bobby Bloyce
“My Huguenot ancestor, Alexander Bearnville de Blois, came in 1685 and settled in Spitalfields. I found out when my great-aunt found pieces of parchment in the attic and that was our family tree. I was the ‘baby’ when I moved into the French Hospital fifteen years ago. My grandmother and my great uncle lived here in the Hospital, so I’ve been visiting since I was seventeen. I was born in Rochester and I have lived most of my life in Rochester, and my son lives here as well. I love being here, I’ve always wanted to live here – it’s like a village.”
Jon Corrigan, Master Steward
Huguenot garden at the French Hospital in Rochester.
Weathervane of Elijah fed by the ravens in the wilderness, emblematic of ‘La Providence’ – the name of the Hospital.
Photographs copyright © Lucinda Douglas-Menzies
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Yet another fascinating tale. Thanks
Melvyn Karkur, Israel
Amazing pulling together of people, diaspora and portraits of lives today! Thanks, nicola
Fascinating! I must find out more about this French Hospital where generations of families of Huguenot descent have found a peaceful residence. Some strong French features in a few of those wonderful faces too.
Thank-you once more – gentle author
What an amazing collection of stories!
Another wonderful set of portraits, I am thoroughly enjoying your blog
My paternal great grand mother was Mary Ann Cannell, born 1819 in Bethnal Green. Her father was Michael Cannell, born 1790 in BG and her mother was Elizabeth Cecil, born 1794 in BG. Ancestors of these parents are Tuffnel, Waterlow, Eude, Raby,L’aune and le Pay many born in France. Can I call myself a Huguenot?
I was always told my paternal grandmother was descended from Huguenots. The names were Crane, and Hole. John Crane was a Glassblower, and William Hole a Woodcarver and Cabinet Maker.
I wonder if anyone recognises these names as being Huguenot names.
I’ve often wondered if I have Huguenot blood as my grandmother’s surname on my mother’s side was ‘Pickard’. Sadly, though I’ve got quite a long way back with my grandfather’s family, my grandmother’s trail has gone cold, and I don’t think I’ll ever know for sure. So I shall continue to indulge my fantasy of being a Huguenot.
Pickard, Eude, l’Aune, certainly sound French, so there might well be some connections.
ensnaring memories
long after they have gone
silk weavers of Spitalfield
To Ron PummelL
You are certainly of Huguenot descent. I am also descended from Cecils and Rabys, but it is the Rabys, not the Cecils, who are the Huguenot connection. They appear in the records of the Temple in Marchenoir, Loire et Cher. Judith Raby, our ancestress, endowed a bed in the French Hospital, where she died, but I do not know whether she is acknowledged in any way in Rochester, say on a board of benefactors or the name of a flat. In the ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ programme about the origins of Len Goodman the Cecils are shown as silk weavers but the Huguenot connection was not mentioned and it is still a mystery to me why Len’s ancestor ended up in the workhouse when Huguenot charity would have been available for him presumably.
I am descended from Frances de Brissac of a Huguenot family that went to England. I live in the Western Cape, South Africa (where many Huguenots also came) but my fourth cousin, Judith Frances Hubbard will be attending the festival. I wish you all a happy and instructive meeting.
My mother’s family name is Morrell,they were all from Ireland…….Dublin more specifically, anyone know about Hugenot Morrell’s in Dublin?
My family name is Nadal, and we were silk weavers in Spitalfields. Ive tried to trrace other Nadals, but had no joy!
One of my 2Xgreat grandmothers on my mothers side was Sarah Moule who was born in Cambridge around 1830. I am aware that Moule means mussel in French, and wonder as a result of this surname whether there is a Hugenot connection?
Most of my maternal ancestors living through the 18th/19th centuries were Weavers in Spitalfields (Pelham Street mainly) and Bethnal Green. Sad to say a number of them ended their days in the workhouse.
My Huguenots’ are Delaforce, Vandome and a few more, they were Spitalfields silk weavers. Jacob Vandome was married at St Giles, Hanover Sq Westminster, a very fashionable place to wed, but he died in the workhouse. His family applied for him to go to the Protestant French Hospital, but because he had spent some time in the workhouse, he was refused. That was the rule
I think I have a Moule amongst my Huguenots
I’m descended from the Fourmy family who were silkweavers in Spitalfields and Shoreditch. My grandmother was Gladys Fourmy Smith, born in Islington. We think they came from Sedan, which was a Protestant stronghold and had a Protestant academy. I’m a Londoner, but I migrated to Australia in 1987. In 2001 we formed the Huguenot Society of Australia and I am sure our members (many of whom have Spitalfields ancestors) will be delighted to be informed about this wonderful site. I really enjoyed looking at the portraits of residents of La Providence. Over the centuries many of my relatives found a safe haven there in their old age. Thank you so much.
I’ve just discovered your fascinating website, and am so sorry I missed the festival!
I was particularly interested to read Daniel’s comments. My paternal grandfather copied out extensive notes from the family record, from the London French hospital, in the 1960s I think, tracing back to a John Vandome, a weaver, who arrived in England from France in 1740.
I was told as a child that I have Huguenot ancestry on my mother’s side too, as my maternal great grandmother’s maiden name was Noe. Both sides of my family seemed to have been eastenders going back for many generations. Unfortunately I don’t know how I could trace this any further, as there is no-one left to ask. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
Thank you for such an interesting read.
I’m afraid I’m seeking information rather than providing it. I’ve recently discovered that my paternal grandmother, whose maiden name was Lilian Vandome, who I’d always thought was born and bred in the Preston area of Lancashire, was actually born in what is now Tower Hamlets . She worked as a cotton weaver for at least part of her life, which would have provided a connection between her birthplace and Preston, both of which had a weaving tradition.
Lilian was born in the 1880s and died in Preston in 1961. Apart from that, I don’t know much about her and am just at the beginning of trying to locate her birth and death details. It would be fascinating to find out more about any link with the Huguenot community and about why and when she might have made the move to Preston. If any of the above fits in with your own family information I’d be very pleased to hear about it.
Kind regards, Brendan Kitchen
I am fascinated! Was just looking for Gloucestershire Huguenots and connections to my mother (Ladd)’s side, and found all these French Hospital people. My father’s side is very well docu-mented from Jacques d’Embrun who fled the massacre of St Bartholomew and whose family is remembered on a plaque in Canterbury Cathedral. They were weavers like so many, but my great grandfather Sir James was head of the Irish Coastguard Fleet during “the
great Hunger”. I have the pendant Cross and white dove issued at the 400th (?)anniversary in London. Also a list of my direct descent, with all the changing spelling of the surname.
Best wishes from Australia!
I am looking for more information about the following person:
Name: Jean Dore
Event Type: Baptism
Father: Jean Dore
Mother: Susanne
Baptism Date: 11 Jul 1721
Baptism Place: Spitalfields, Middlesex, England
Denomination: French Protestant
Piece Title: Piece 4591: Eglise de St Jean, St John Street, Spitalfields (French Protestant), 1713-1733
Jean Dorée (1721 – 1798)
He is my 2nd great grandfather of wife of grand uncle of husband of grand aunt – on my father’s side. I would love to know more about the church in which he was baptised: photos, links – and also anyone who knows the family. Are there still any Dorées alive? I have others on my Ancestry tree.
Hope to hear from you.
Ian Sewell
I am looking for more informationabout the following person:
Jean Dorée
He is my 2nd great grandfather of wife of grand uncle of husband of grand aunt. Birth 1721 in France
Death 30 Nov 1798 in French Hospital, London, England
Age: 77. London, England According to Huguenot Hospital Records: Jean died 30 Nov, 1798 @ 71 Natif, London, England, Son of Jean Dore, Caen, Normadie. Refugee of Religion – Paralysis.
Ian Sewell
My Huguenot ancestors were Pierre Dulieu of Nerac, France married to Marguerite Rouvierre of Vesenobres, France, both silk weavers they came to London in the late 1600’s
The French Hospital in Rochester seems to be a lovely place, one gets a sense of a real community.
My Hugenout ancestor, Jacob Bellett was from a silk weaving family from St Martin du Bec, Seine Maritime, Normandie who arrived in Spitalfields in 1687.
Jacob may have fallen on hard times by being transported to Australia in 1788 with the 1st fleet, however, he quickly made his mark by successfully farming on Norfolk Island for 12 years before sailing with his family to Hobart Town, Van Diemen’s Land. To compensate for the land and buildings left behind he was granted a land parcel that he soon converted into farming land at Sorell where hundreds of Jacob’s descendants lived.
The other Hugenout family names associated with the Bellettes are Guelle, Molle and Lemery, I welcome any information that others may have.
I’ve recently included my husband’s family in my family tree, and traced his line back to Jacob Bellett who came out to Australia on the first fleet. Would love to get in touch with anyone who has information about his family in the UK/France.
I was hoping to contact Moriet R Edwards.
I am researching the Australian D’Ombrain ophthalmologists.
Hi. I am also related to the Raby/Cecil family. I would very much like to contact the people above who are also related to these weaving families. Kind regards.
hello i am a descendant of maryann vandome and augustus e delaforce please email me i live in canada
What a wonderful site.
My huguenot family were the Prevosts from Picardie
They settled around Spitalfields and Bethnal Green.
Apparently they settled around Leek eventually
Would love to hear from any other Prevosts or Provosts as they became known.
Enjoyed reading about the Hugonauts of spitalfields – love to know more
hello i am looking for copies of any portraits o my huguenot ancestors Pierre Suthoit, Jeanne Messman . Jane Duthoit etc i feel i know them from my research but would love to see what they looked like regards Robyn Lamond
My maternal line goes back to Isaac Vandome who came from Clermont in Picardie. His son Abraham Vandome married Ann Hayes in Stepney on Christmas Day 1696. They were silk weavers and according to the will of Isaac appeared to be quite wealthy. I know I am distantly related to Daniel Kersey as I have read about Jacob Vandome in some of the research I have been doing. It would be really interesting to get in contact with others on here who are from the Vandome line.
My Huguenot family were Godiers,who i believe sold fish.Ithink that at one point in time they were all doing very well,and so were left money for male family members to all have an apprentiship waitng for them.My grandfather Albert[Jack] Kyne s was to do glass blowing,but he gave it up for something else.His Father was Thomas Kyne and mother Sarah Godier.My mother says that her gran wore a huge cap style hat and was scared of nothing. My gran sent her kids to her for telling off when they were naughty.She would stand with a round loaf of bread in the curve of her arm while slicing through from the top down, chastising them.Only then giving them bread and jam afterwards.I imagine they ran to there grans to be punished with rumbling bellies in anticipation of the treat to come.They lived in Bow,but my gran and grandad moved from london to hertfordshire kids in tow when they got bombed out during the war.
My family were the Pottiers and came over from Lintot in France. One of them died in the French Hospital. I believe they were weavers. I would love to hear from anyone with more information. I have done the Pottier Tree back to the 1600s
I would love to contact Jenny Turner whose great grandmother was Eleanor Grimmo. My grandmother was Lydia Emma Grimmo who was Eleanor’s sister and I have carried out considerable research on the Grimmos.
I would love to contact Jenny Turner whose great grandmother was Eleanor Grimmo. My grandmother was Lydia Emma Grimmo who was Eleanor’s sister and I have carried out considerable research on the Grimmos.
Sorry, do not have details of any portrait of Jane DUTHOIT but have information which may interest you.
My ancestors the MASON Family.
Your email welcome.
Joan Chiles
Greetings Susan Lewsey and others,
I’m also related to Isaac Vendome going back to Pierre Vendome and would be really interested to make contact with you or anyone else connected to this line. My grandmother always told the family that we had hugenot ancestry but we thought she meant her maiden name (the Champ) side and couldn’t find it. I have now discovered it is through Richard Olive Platt (on her mother’s side) who married Mary Vandome (Vendome).
Could anyone who wishes to share information please contact me
Many thanks,
Jane England
My ancestor was Benjamin Ivon Jackson, born in 1785 in Middlesex (I think Bethnal Green).
By trade he was a ‘wine cooper’ and was living in Duke Street, Bethnal Green in 1847. He later died in 1860, also in Bethnal Green. He married Mary Busher.
I am curious about his middle name and wondered perhaps whether this might indicate his Huguenot origins? Also whether anyone might have any pointers/advice for researching possible Huguenot ancestry please?
Many thanks, Gordon.
Great site by the way – and fabulous portraits and stories.
I am very interested in the ancestry of Jacob Bellett, formerly of East London who was sent to the new colony in 1787 on the First Fleet. He is my gfather x6 and I have been trying to gain more information on his grandfather and when he came from Normandy to London. Also I am very keen on finding more of his ancestors which two others have mentioned on this site (Lo Polglase and Elizabeth).
I have been able to find some links back to the early 17th century in France but need more information on the Bellett ancestry.
I found out that I had Huguenot blood in me whilst researching my family tree. We have the names Massey (my maternal line,) the Masseys married Holyome/Alliume traced back to 1680 in France), Labern (traced back to 1770.) My Massey line I have traced back to 1732 but have come up against a brick wall. Do I really have Huguenot blood in me.
Thank you.
My Humm family were Silk Weavers in Bethnal Green and my great grandfather was born in Brick Lane in 1862. His grandfather, James Humm, married a lady from Rochester, Susannah McPherson in 1805, I wonder how they met? Sadly both James and Susannah died in the Bethnal Green Workhouse in 1856.
My Grandfather came from England to Australia in 1912. I was always interested where the french name came from Wiliam Percy Le Sage? After my research I found that the family came from Picardy France in the 1600’s , Pierre Le Sage known as Peter Le sage later – silk weaver. They were in Spitalfields until the 1700’s then in Bethnal Green ( Church Street. James Le Sage son Thomas Le sage carried on his fathers weavery ) James Le sage’s will is in the national archives London in 1832 ). James Le Sages older son Jean ( John Le Sage died in 1814 his wife Ann Le Sage ( Davies ) continued a weavery. Her family name was Le Marchall from Calvados France. There is a insurance record in 1811 with John Sanders , John Le sage and James Hart at 2 Steward St. Spitalfields. National Archives.
Pierre Le Ssge b. 1671 ? – 1745 and his son Pierre Le sage b. 1701 – 17 84 ( died in the French Hospital in Threadneedle Street )
The families Le Sage , Levesque ( Jacque – James Le Sage married Mary Ann Levesque ) They were members of the Threadneedle Church.
Other names from the women that married into the family were Le Grand , De La Tour , Hewes Sanders ( La Marchall) , Eppe , Janson ( Brousse ), Lacomber, Le Fevre.
John Le Sages b. 1780 and Ann Sanders two daughters Ann Le Sage b. 1810 – 1873 and Mary Ann Le sage b. 1810 – 1888 were also in the french hospital in Threadneedle Street Mary ann worked as a nurse in the hospital. All the above confirmed by Doc. from the Huguenot Society London.
In the 1800’s my ggg grandfather John Le sage b. 1800 – 1862 was the final weaver in Bethnal Green married Ann Craddock in 1819. His son James John Le sage b. 1824 in Mount Street and his wife Bathsebe Baker were Fancy Paper colourers.
My ggrandfather John Le Sage b. 1863 – 1926 I Tottenham married Elizabeth Louisa Shelley in 1881 his trade Stove fitter.
James Le Sage’s grand son Thomas Henry Le Sage b. 1816 married Sarah Hovey in 1835 and emigrated to America in 1844. The family worked in the saw mills in Pennsylvannia. Chuck Le Sage living in New Jersey is a decendant of Thomas Henry Le Sage.
I have a family member still living in Bethnal Green.
Tony Blakeley / Jenny Turner
I am the daughter of Jenny Turner, and we would be thrilled to be in contact with you.?? You could write to Mum at the French Hospital in Rochester, Kent… or my e-mail is We would love to know more about the Grimmo family, particularly if you have identified their residence in Suffolk…. Amanda
I would love to contact Michael Oblein as my wife is also a direct descendant of Noe and Maria and their son Michael. It would be great to exchange information. My wife is Noe’s and Maria’s 6 x Great Granddaughter.
I was one of the portraits in this writeup. I would like to reply to Tony Blakely who has recently commented about contacting me about tge Grimmo family. Thankyou
My husbands family go back to 1692 with Francois Guiot. we would love to have more information about the Guiot family in London Thank you
I stumbled across this interesting website and am in the midst of exploring it. My husband Ian Bracher is descended from a likely Hugenot family – as far back as I can go. There was a George Bracher, Optician, Manufacturer of telescopes who worked from 19 King St Commercial Rd, 98 John St, 19 & 20 King St Commercial Rd East Londone from 1826 – 1840.
His forbears John Bracher lived in Rose Lane, Spitalfields, others were William Bracher of Primrose St, BishopgateSpitalfields. Many members of the early families were christened in Spitalfields Christ Church. Anyway still more to know, more to find. Glad to have come across this site.
Hello to Joan Chiles
I have just noticed your comment earlier this year re Jane Duthoit I would love to hear from you. Robyn
I am descended from Jacob Bellet’s brother James. Jacob’s father was John b 1708. His father was a Thomas and his father was also a Thomas who was recorded as coming from St Martin du bec, Normandy. I visited the small village about 2003. The church there is from the Victorian era but many houses from the 17th century still exist, many of which are thatched. It was strange walking in the footsteps of my ancestors.
On the 1841 census there is a OBLINN, Sarah, aged 15, weavers apprentice living with my 3rd Great Grandfather, Charles Douglas(s) at Bonners Street, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England. Charles wife was Mary Ann Douglas(s) nee MACE. I believe the MACE family were orginally Huguenots.
To Ian Sewell. There is a Doree in Romford.
The Bracher family of Christchurch Spitalfields are NOT believed to be Hugenots. Their antecedents were from Wiltshire and Somerset and many were Quakers. The London ones may not have been Quakers, though some were certainly non-conformists – one at least being a Baptist Preacher.
I have just found this brilliant website after discovering I may have Huguenot ancestors. I have been tracing my Grandmother Lamude famly and I came across Reuben Lamude and his wife Marie De Landre had a daughter born in 1669 and baptised at the church in Threadneedle street. If anybody recognises these names and has any information I would appreciate it. Thank you
Very excited to see your post.
I have a huge tree of the Lamude descendants both in the UK and abroad, of Reuben who came from Nerac and would be very interested to communicate with you. I made this family a one name study.
Would love to know how you fit into the tree.
I live near London, so maybe if you do too, we could meet up.
Best wishes
My 3rd great grandfather died in 1873 whilst living in French Protestant hospital then in Bath Street, City of London.
Found your post today.
Would be pleased to assist with information about the Lamude and de Landre families.
I’m based in America, but travel to the UK and France at least once a year.
Am very familiar with not only the US Lamude families, but also those in other Commonwealth nations, as well as France and former French colonies.
Please contact me, if you believe I can assist in your research.
All the best, Doug
re Jacob Bellet
Jacob was my gFathee x6. And of course very proud that I can claim him as my direct ancestor. I have been doing a great deal of research on him and his time etc. I have been able to trace back to France in early 17th century but am keen to catch up with any direct ancestors in London / England especially. I am very keen to know more of the French connection and before.
Have done research in london regarding his birth and marriage of his parents at Christ Church Spitalfields.
re Thomas Henry Le Sage. Thomas rang bells both in London and in Philadelphia. Trina, I am researching his involvement with both tower bells and handbells and would love to share information with you. Church records from Philadelphia suggest he came to the U.S. a bit earlier than 1844.
Delighted to have found this website. Looking for ancestors of a 3x cousin who descends from George Henry Bracken ( 1819-1890) and Elizabeth Ann Cannell. They married March 1844, Bethnal Green. Her mother Elizabeth Cecil is the problem. I have found her with two different sets of parents. I’d like her to descend from the set Roy Pummell mentions ( Waterlow, Raby etc). The other possible set of parents are Samuel Cecil ( born 1760) and Ann Story, but they bring me to a full stop. One Elizabeth Cecil marries a James Broad; 28 Oct 1813 at St Brides, Fleet Street. Hence my worry. Also if Elizabeth’s mother is Sarah Waterlow then Sarah married Thomas Cecil when she was 14 unless she was bapt. some years after her birth.( Sarah Waterlow bapt. 2 Dec 1760 St Leonards Shoreditch; marr. 8 Jan 1775 St Dunstan and All Saints, Stepney.) Any help gratefully received.
Also, possibly unconnected with the Huguenots, Susan Lewsey: we may be related! I descend from Francis Lusye who married Mercy Seeman 22 Oct 1650 Sturmer, Essex ( where the Viking Lewsey built his castle shortly after 852). Francis and Mercy’s dau. , Mercy Lusye married Robert Tuffill in 1680. It would be a good link up if this was the same name as Tuffnnell . The mother of Michael Cannell, above, was Mary Tuffnell!
Gill F.
Hello, and thank you for an interesting site. My mother’s name was Edith Doris Artus, daughter of Reuben Artus who passed away in 1957. Anyone who thinks they may have a family connection is welcome to visit my website at Lots of Artus information there.
My wifes family were Camparts, from Normandy, Pierre coming over to England in the 1680’s and marrying Marie Orange. An old family chart suggests he fought with Schonberg at the Boyne but that is yet to be proven. The family married the Vere’s and Selby’s. Living in Spitalfields, Edmonton and near Sevenoaks. Interested to make contact with others who may be connected.
I have huguenots in my family tree, who I’m told were originally silk weavers. I am descended from the Lepley family (originally Le pla?) on my grandmother’s side. In our branch of the family, the name eventually got changed to Lipley. Someone mentioned not finding any Nadals? I have a Mary Nadal in my tree, who married Jean Francois Lepley (b.1764). I also have an Ann Doree (b. 1808) who married my William Lepley (b.1810). They all lived in Spitalfields and Bethnal Green areas, mainly. I’ve had trouble tracing back many of my ancestors, but the Lipley/Lepleys have been easy, because of their unique name.
my maternal grandmother was the grand-daughter of Louisa Dulieu, (married George Warner) whose father was David Dulieu of Bethnal Green, a descendent of Pierre Du Lieu, silkweaver, who came to London in the 1670/80s. David married a Sarah Atto of Norwich, whose fmailoy were also weavers but left Norwich for London in the 1800s.
I am descended from the Fleury’s (Rev. Philippe Aumaret Fleury, 1672-1734) and the Debonnaire family. The Fleury’s went to Ireland and the Debonnaire’s went to South Africa & India – they were diamond merchants. I will keep checking this website in the hope that someone is interested.!
Thank you. Sylvia
Hello Jack Minett, I am related to you in that I’m descended from the Gloucestershire brother you speak of. I’m so happy to have read your post as I’ve gone as far back as I could and I could not find a connection back to France. I would love to know more about your aunt’s research – do you know what part of France the Minetts hailed from – or does anyone else researching them know any more information? I have known since I was a child we were originally from France and Huguenots, but can only get back to the weavers and farmers of Gloucestershire – the earliest I think being a Ben Minett. Was this one of the two brothers I wonder?
My mother was a Lamy. Family gossip had the family as hugenots from Bolbec in Normandy. I believe they may have been silk weavers. Do you think we might be related Pat Lamy???
I have just found this website whilst researching into the Lamude family, and found the posts about the Lamude family from last year. Reuben Lamude was my 7x great-grandfather; he married Marie-Therese de Landre in England so had left Nerac sometime before 1666. I am descended from his second wife Dorothy – I cannot find any record of her apart from her children’s christening records, and have no idea whether she was also a Huguenot, but her first child was born 2 years after Marie’s last so my best guess is that Marie may have died in childbirth, and the second marriage occurred soon afterwards.
I note that Reuben’s father Isaac, mother Sara Shaille and sister Annette seem to have stayed in the Nerac area, but would love to know if anyone is aware of their earlier family history, or what skills the family may have had.
My second great grandmother, Ann Delivett, was born on 7 August 1834 in Shorditch. Her father, my 3rd great grandfather, Thomas Henry Delivett, a Tin Man, was baptised on 21 September 1800 at St Botolph’s Bishopsgate. My 4th great grandfather, Jaques James Delivett was baptised on 6 Nov 1768 • Patente Soho OR Le Temple French Huguenot,Westminster,London,England, was also a Tin Toy Maker. I believe the Delivett’s come from Caen in Normandy.
I have to research much more fully this Huguenot family as I’m just scratching the surface. One of my Aunts told me that we had Huguenot connections but didn’t who or what the name was. I’ve been researching my family tree and came across the name Delivett. I live in Rochester and so know the Huguenot Hospital. There is also a Huguenot museum next door.
Looking to correspond with anyone with information on the PREVOST / PROVOST family and BERNARD family of Spitalfields, Bethnal Green, London, especially the family of Leonard PREVOST (b. 20 May 1724, Spitalfields, d. 1797) and Mary RICHARDSON (1724-1763), married 26 Oct 1746 in St, Matthews Bethnal Green. I am a descendant of their daughter Mary (Mary Anne) b. 1761, who married 28 Feb 1781 Charles REYNOLDS at Saint Matthew, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, Tower Hamlets.
Leonard was son of Pierre PRÉVOST (b. 1697, La Providence French Hospital, Spitalfields, London) married 26 Jun 1723, London, Marie BERNARD (b. 1700, London?, d/o Moyses BERNARD).
Pierre PRÉVOST was son of John (Jean) PRÉVOST (b. 1663, Malincourt, St. Quinten, France, d. England) and Elizabeth FRERE (b. 1663, France, d. England).
Jean PRÉVOST was son of Gaspard PRÉVOST (b. 1631, Malincourt, St. Quinten, France, d. England) and Judith QUENTIN (b. 1633 France, daughter of Samuel QUENTIN and Marie DENEUX).
Gaspard PRÉVOST was son of Jerome PRÉVOST (son of Jean PREVOST and Simone LEMAN d/o Solomon LEMAN) and Marie PROYER – or – Germain PRÉVOST (d. 1651) and Louise ROTTÉ (1600 – 1659).
Jerome PRÉVOST was son of Jean PRÉVOST and Simone LEMAN, d/o Solomon LEMAN).
Dates may be incorrect.
Please contact: zaperonneau –at—gmail –dot—com
My GGG Grandfather is James Lesage married to Louisa Watson . They were living in Booth Street Spitalfields in 1841 which is I understand now is called Princlet Street .I am going there this weekend to try and find the house if still there but have no actual house number . It seems that there were 17 people living in one house and different family’s .Would love any information .
My Dad told me of my Huegonot connection as he knew his grandfather Thomas Bromley was in the French Hospital in London and had the inmate document . I then contacted La Providence in Rochester to find our Huegonot ancestors surname Lesage …Louisa being his mother.
My grandmother was Mary Parvin. Her parents were George and Jane Parvin. George Parvin’s family and ancestors were Huguenots who moved from France to England. I dont know anything about them but would like to. I dont know if they lived at Spitalfields. George was born somewhere in England and eventually moved to Scotland.
Dear Elaine
I have seen your comment about James Le Sage married to Louisa Watson . if you would like to contact me . I can give you some information on the Le sage family.
Gill Forsythe – I am interested in where you found information on Lewsey? I am researching the Tuffill family and have traced back to Mercy Lusye, daughter of Francis. I’d be glad of any help, thanks.
Wonderful web site. I learned a number of years ago, that some of my ancestors were “Flemish weavers” that fled the Spanish Netherlands and settled in London.
They were members of the Dutch Reformed church, and have connections to the old St. Christopher le Stocks church, St. Margaret’s Lothebury and the Austin Friars Dutch Reformed Church.
Some of them stayed in England, others left for America in the late 1600s, so that is how I am here now.
I would love to learn more about them and the weavers guild and the general history of the family and that period of history. I hope some way I can find a pen pal who lives in London proper, that might be able to share more information about the history.
I only wish I had known this when I was lucky enough to visit London in 1992. I would have been able to visit the areas where many of my ancestors lived.
Hi I’m researching my family tree and on my great grandmothers side I’ve found Sophia Lamude – born 1873 and lived in East London. Her parents were Sarah and Henry. I’m interested in anything to do with this family. Thanks in advance!
Hi Douglas
Would love to be in conversation with you concerning my Lamude family.
please email me
Hi Dee
I would love to talk/meet up with you concerning my Lamude ancestors.
my email address is
Hi Ken Jeffries, I believe my GGG Grandfather William Massey (b. 8/9/1827 Bethnal Green) married Elizabeth Holyome (b 1835) as you mentioned in your post in 2015.
I’ve just started researching my family tree so if you could share any information that would be much appreciated.
Hello out there to the Huguenots!
I am a Gentry. When I look up “what does my last name mean” it says “French for well-born or Genteel.” Could I be a Huguenot?
Thank you.
re Jacob Bellett, Anthony Griffith and Robert Bellett, I am trying to find out more about Jacob and James’s mother, Susannah Brown. I am descended from Edward Fisher (Norfolk Island) and the Bellett, Garth, Lucas and many Fisher descendents are connected. Have been investigating another line, (Driscolls, Sullivans and Browns) in 1800’s Stepney, Bethnal Green and Poplar and seems to be a connection. Was Susanah from a Huguenot family and when were she and John Bellett married? Any help would be greatly appreciated. .I have been twice to Norfolk Island and 4 times to Tasmania, but have only just stumbled upon Jacob Bellett! I was born in England but currently live in Canada. Thanks
My grandmother Elizabeth Alice Mills nee Kyne, Great grandmother is Sarah Kyne nee Godier I believe my family are descendants of Issac Godier. Issac was a silk weaver but I am unsure of this information
Dear Bev and Jack,
I wonder whether there is a connection between the Gloucestershire Minetts and my own family, who have lived in various parts of Essex since the late 18th century. In the 1950s, an uncle of mine researched the Huguenot link based on family stories and apparently confirmed that our forebears were weavers from French Flanders. Sadly, no written records remain, but I am now trying to trace the origins of both sides of my family. Census and other records for members of my family variously spell the surname as Minett and Minet. I would be very grateful for any information you might have regarding the French or Flemish origins of your Minett family, as well as their arrival or where they first lived in England.
of interest to Elaine Beck and Trina Skarsmo Jensen . and hopefully more distant relatives og huguenot descent.
I have gone back one further generation to Jacques LeSage . father of pierre
pleased if i can be of help to anyone . and very keen myself to go down the many branches.
i have a tree on geni website with 78 decendents so many names connected as Trina’s post above
Le Douze, Le Grand, De La Tour, Hewes, Levesque, Saunders, Craddock, Shelly, Hunt and many more married to siblings of my direct line. Eppe, Culver, Lacomber, Thompson, Watson, Baker. Cooper and Baugh
Sorry if i’m a bit late to the party – I’m descended from the Le Sage’s – My Grandmother’s maiden name was Le Sage and I have traced my line back to Pierrre Le Sage who was born 1701 Spitalfields and married Francoise De La Tour in 1723 – Trina & Elaine –
My father was James Dore Eude Wingham. He was born in 1895/6 in Plaistow, London. I have traced him back to Louis Eudes from Normandy, born 1640. His son Jacques Eude died in Spitalfields in1725. My father was always proud if his French connections. Have I got any French relations out there? I do hope so.
Ruben La Mude is my 9th or 10th great grandfather, id be interested if anyone had any info about him.
ARTHUR MITCHELL …tried to contact you via your email but it just bounced back.
I am descended from Jean Prevost . I can be reached at
I am really enjoying learning about the Huguenot’s and believe that my father’s paternal side goes back to Jonas Hanrot. My father and grandfather did not know of their family name or their French connections, as they were both brought up with different surnames, both assumed. The Hanrot’s were silk weavers, or book binders from Sedan in France. Would love to learn more! Cheers
Hello, one of my Huguenot ancestors was Bibye Le Sage (9 Apr 1779 – 26 Jun 1843), who married Rosalie Nicolaide Olivier (1792 – 1840). He was born in England, descendant of a French Huguenot family, joined the British Army and arrived in Mauritius as Aide-de-Camp to the 1st British Governor of Mauritius, Sir Robert Farquar, and settled in Mauritius.
Would anyone have any information about Bibye? I would be really interested to get in touch with anyone who knows anything about his history.
Thank you!
As with Marilyn Finley (June 15 2014…but I have only just found this entry!), my ancestors were also Pierre Dulieu( from Nerac) and Marguerite Rouvierre.
My maternal great grandmother was Martha Dulieu, born in Sclater Street in 1840 to John Dulieu, described as a weaver on her birth certificate.
I often enjoy a stroll in Rochester and admire the French Hospital buildings.
Margaret Mannerings
I descend directly from John Isnel (married 1728, Wimbledon to Anne Contin). The family are all silk dyers and colour makers. There is a Daniel Isnel in the records of the Huguenot church in 1699 with wife and daughter both called Marie but not sure if he is a connection. He is a weaver. Any info would be appreciated!
My ancestors are LeHeup and Pommier from St Lo and Rouen in France, they were silk weavers and settled in East London, i have always known i had Huguenot blood as my family as the information has been handed down through the generations, i also have a painting which is somewhat damaged that came with them from France ,
Christine Thomas. I also have LeHeup ancestors. Esther Le Heup, 1670-1724. Married Nicolas Gambier, 1650-1724. They were married at St Mary Magdalene, (LD Fish Street, City of London on 20 Jan 1690. They are my 7th gt grandparents.
Her parents were David Le Heup, 1648- 1733 & Jeanne Me Tresor, 1655-1698.
David was born in St Lo, Normandy & Jeanne was also born in Normandy.
If you want to get in touch, my email address is:
I am looking for information concerning ISAAC BRIAND and his wife MARIE BENOIST. Isaac’s and Marie’s daughter, Ann (e), was baptized in C of E parish of St. Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange 4 August 1749; married to JAMES PETER NOLA MONTIER at St. Matthew C of E, Bethnal Green 8 November 1772; their daughter, Ann Marie Madelaine, baptized La Neuve L’Englise 18 July 1775, and their son, Jean, in chapel of L’Hopital 19 February 1777.
If anyone can help me with these names, I would be grateful; especially with ISAAC’s data. It seems his son, Jacques Briand came to Manikintown, Virginia around 1700’s. He appears to be the progenitor of my line of the Bryants in Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Many thanks.
My name is Sheryl Biondo born Bellette I am the great……..granddaughter of Jacob Bellet from Tasmania who was the silk weaver mentioned.
De Brissac family
Further information required for family tree project.
Mary M
My ancestor Jacob Bellett who was transported to Australia on the 1st Fleet.
I’m from the daughter Elizabeth who married Robert Alomes (Carter).
I would love to get information about the family left behind in London.
I was born in Hobart so am familiar with where Jacob ended up.
I’ve visited Norfolk Island and saw the remains of the house he shared with Ann, his wife also
on a visit to London went to New Inn Yard where it is said Jacob was born.
I’ts a shame he died so young after all he endured.
J Addison
Hi, Looking through some of the comments on this site, anyone with ancestry connected to the VENDOME/VANDAME should investigate some research done by someone under the Family section of Ancestry under the name Joseph John Platt, born 1871 in Limehouse, London.
I am partly a Huguenot and am proud of it. I live in Australia and have been discovering my grandmothers ancestors. LeSaad or LeSadd – various spellings are the family. John LeSaad (Silkweaver) born 28/1/1792 married Frances Huxley born 12/8/1790 and so on. My grandmother Christiana Rennie Huet was born on the ship John Rennie sailing to Australia.
If anyone has more information before this date for John LeSaad I would welcome it.
When did they arrive in London?
Where did they come from in France?
Believe they may have left Belgium to go to France.
I am descended from the Provost family of Malincourt France 1640 who became Silk Weavers in Spitalfields. Leonard 9
(1724 -1797) was a Freeman of London.
Any further information please contact me
Are there any Mountains out there? I am Sarah mountain of Huguenot descent. Thank you
Hello , my family are descendants of David Le Heup born in St Lo , they settled in London as silk weavers and i have an old oil painting that we think the family bought over with them, it has some damage but it has religious connotations
My mother’s maiden name was Le Sage and am related as a second cousin to to William Percy Le Sage mentioned above who emigrated to Australia as a second cousin and therefore share many of the same Huguenot ancestoral links (Le Doux, Le Marchal, Le Grand, Del La Tour etc). It seems that the ancestral history of this lineage is published in Australia by David Ronald Le Sage but is unavailable except in Australian Libraries.
My 5X G Grandfather was Charles Blutte born 1737 in Walincourt, Cambrai, Nord, France. He emigrated to England in 1762 and settled in Spitalfields, he was a silk weaver & had ten children.
His brother Pierre Philippe Blutte arrived a few years later. In 1847 Marie (Mary) Walker nee: Blutte (Pierre’s daughter), age 72, a widow was admitted to the French Hospital in Spitalfields. The proof that she gave of her Huguenot heritage was kept by Mr C J Shoppee the director of the hospital & in 1917 the papers were passed to the Huguenot Society by his son Mr C H Shoppee. William Minet F.S.A the vice president of the Huguenot Society wrote an article in the proceedings called “The Family of Blutte”. It was this article that set me on my search and I was able to find the proof that I am a descendant of the Huguenot’s. My mother’s maiden name was Blute & I have several male cousin’s with the surname Blute so happily the name will live on in the future.
Great website and comments!
I noticed quite a few references to the Vandome family. I was wondering if anyone knew if the family was connected to a Silk Weaver’s Hall in Enfield/South Mimms area. It was sold to a Turpin Bastick. Please contact me at if you can help.
My Huguenot ancestor was Marie Molé, my 9th Great Grandmother.
1670–1741 I do not know anything about her, yet. But I am doing some research…
It has been a very interesting read,
many thanks.
My maiden name was Bellette. There are two Diane Bellettes here in my part of Tasmania. We are closely related as my grandparents were first Cousins Harold McArthur Lovell Bellette and Zillah Carmen Elaine Bellette. My father Terence Harold Bellette has a direct line back to Thomas in Normandy in the 1600s. We named my eldest son Jacob not knowing at the time that it was a generational name. Dad’s brother Graham is still alive. I think that the slur of Tasmanians having two heads is a result of close relationships. I belong to First Fleeters Derwent Chapter and am related to most of this group. I have been on FamilySearch site established by The Church of the Latter Day Saints who verify and authenticate all entries.
I have other information about the Bellette line further back and am trying to verify my information. I find family history to be marvellous, life affirming and enchanting. I don’t believe in coincidences. My favourite grade 5 teacher turned out to be the granddaughter of George Bellette. Bellettes certainly went forth and multiplied. Dad’s relative James Henry had 21 children between two marriages. There is something distinctive about Bellette features which are recognisable.
I forgot to mention that a University Tasmania researcher David Boon (not the cricketer) is in our bellette family tree and has DNA in our direct paternal line traced to 4000 years ago – a Haplo Group.
Hello Nick Walker
Yes, that material in the library is a short article based on research Trina and I did. It is a little out of date now. I am gradually revising it when I have the spare time.
I also wrote a chapter for the book, “New Tapestry: Australian Huguenot Families”, but note this contains a couple of errors we are hoping to have corrected in any future editions.
Feel free to contact Trina or myself fir up to date family information. Our Le Sages originated in Valenciennes, moved to Leiden and then on to Spitalfiekds/Bethnal Green.
Hi Christine Thomas,
I believe we share Huguenot ancestors – David le Heup and Francoise Paumier (Pommier).
I am one of the direct descendants of their daughter Francoise (Frances) who was born in London in 1730.