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I believe I have an original print, plate 9 of F Wheatley’s R.A. ofstrawberriesscarlet strawberries. The frame is old and also the matting.. would like to know the value. It is in good condition.
I have also. Two original print or lithography.
I have two copies. Lithography: check on my facebook. Franklin sandoval limpangog
Hi have a plate of strawberys Scarlet strawberys
I believe that I have an original strawberries scarlet print. There is writing on the top of the building in mine that I don’t see in other prints. Also..The apron is yellow in mine..not blue like others I see. The direction the woman is facing is different than all the others I see online. The shadow under the chin is different. I am very curious to know the approximate value. If you can help I would be very grateful. Sincerely, Mrs. Telio