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A Petition To Save The Bell Foundry

March 18, 2017
by the gentle author

Bell by Rob Ryan

Today the East End Preservation Society launches a petition to Karen Bradley, Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport to SAVE THE WHITECHAPEL BELL FOUNDRY which is due to shut forever in May after five centuries in the East End.


“We the undersigned wish to publicly register our very serious concern about the imminent loss of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry.

Bells have been made continuously in Whitechapel since the 1570s. The business has been on its present site since the mid 1740s. It is one of just two remaining bell foundries in Britain, and the foundry is reportedly the oldest manufacturing company in the UK.

This is the foundry that made Big Ben in 1858, the world famous US Liberty Bell and many many more. The foundry is set to close at the end of March, and its contents sold at auction..

We are very concerned that we will lose not only specialized jobs and skills, but that this type of business and trade is part of the historic essence of our towns and cities. How is Britain allowing this national treasure to slip through our fingers?”


Photograph copyright © Shahed Saleem

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Save the Whitechapel Bell Foundry

So Long, Whitechapel Bell Foundry

20 Responses leave one →
  1. Robin permalink
    March 18, 2017

    Signed and shared on F.B. I hope it helps.

  2. Jim McDermott permalink
    March 18, 2017

    Very pleased to sign. Hope it helps. It isn’t as if fire, the Luftwaffe and demented/bribed local planners have left the city too much history.

  3. March 18, 2017

    I hope the foundry can be saved. Valerie

  4. Roy Clark permalink
    March 18, 2017

    Utter madness to close this place. A national treasure. Should be saved and celebrated not closed and sold off.

  5. Vicky permalink
    March 18, 2017

    The online auction of contents starts 30 March!,561246,561243

  6. March 18, 2017

    Signed and shared on blog and fb.

  7. March 18, 2017

    Let freedom ring! I signed the petition, and I salute the GA.
    Onward and upward.

  8. March 18, 2017


  9. Chris Ashby permalink
    March 18, 2017

    Just signed and am hopeful of success. Thanks for letting us know. Chris A.

  10. March 18, 2017

    I have just received this letter from Signor Marinelli, proprietor of the ancient Marinelli Pontifical Bell Foundry in Italy. I had the pleasure and privilege of taking Signor Marinelli, his wife and two sons on a wonderful guided tour of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. On hearing from me of the threatened closure, he writes:

    Gentilissimo Antony
    Le scrivo della nostra tristezza, attenzione e solidarietà riguardo alle sorti della Whitechapel Bell Foundry . Speriamo sinceramente che il rischio di chiusura venga scongiurato e che si apra per l’antica azienda londinese un futuro diverso fatto di nuove proposte e nuove idee capaci di risollevare la storica Ditta.
    Può disporre della seguente testimonianza come crederà opportuno
    Le porgo tanti auguri e cari saluti anche da parte della mia famiglia
    Armando Marinelli

    La notizia della chiusura della Whitechapel Bell Foundry deve sorprendere e addolorare, insieme all’Inghilterra, tutti quei luoghi del mondo dove risuonano le sue preziose, bellissime campane. Il nostro sconforto e la nostra solidarietà sono sinceri e profondi perché comprendiamo più di tutti la natura ed il valore del complesso mestiere svolto dalle abili mani dei campanari londinesi. Mio fratello ed io siamo gli eredi della Pontifica Fonderia di Campane Marinelli che porta lo stesso nome e produce campane con metodi tradizionali, totalmente artigianali sin dal medioevo e per questo è ritenuta l’ azienda più longeva del mondo. Nel 2014 abbiamo visitato la WBF e ci era parsa in fiorente attività: erano in lavorazione grandi campane destinate all’estero ed era visitata da numerosi turisti e studenti. Qualche mese dopo i titolari dell’antica fonderia hanno ricambiato la visita ad Agnone ed è stato particolarmente piacevole parlare della nostra comune e inusuale passione con la complicità e la competenza di vecchi colleghi di lavoro. Riteniamo che una realtà tanto rara e suggestiva vada preservata e il significato intrinseco delle campane spiegato e diffuso: oggetto sacro, simbolico e di aggregazione la campana fino a pochi decenni orsono è stata un potente e, forse, il primo mass media. Essa nasce come strumento musicale elaborato e complesso; nelle iscrizioni e nei fregi si leggono piccole e grandi storie della comunità per cui suona. Per queste storie, per la tradizione, per l’arte e la capacità artigiana perpetuata dagli uomini che solo con passione creano campane e anche perché il quartiere si identifica con l’antica fabbrica, la Whitechapel Bell Foundry DEVE continuare ad esistere e a diffondere nel mondo la cultura e l’arte campanaria. La sua prestigiosa storia è fatta di gente e di campane famosissime che rintoccano in tutto il mondo, di musica, emozioni e poesia che vanno assolutamente protetti e valorizzati anche allo scopo di beneficiare e riqualificare un quartiere trascurato e per altro poco interessante. Anche l’ antico, originale edificio che ospita dal ’700 la WBF dovrebbe essere tutelato e vincolato come bene nazionale d’ interesse culturale, storico e artistico. La Fonderia è un raro esempio di archeologia industriale ancora in attività e come tale va a tutti i costi salvaguardata. Noi Marinelli non riusciamo a credere che le dotte e sensibili Istituzioni britanniche possano tralasciare l’opportunità di aiuto verso un’attività unica e preziosa che oggi versa in difficoltà ma che una volta interrotta sarà definitivamente persa. Dal canto nostro vi è tutto il nostro appoggio e la nostra solidarietà.
    Agnone, 18 marzo 2017-03-18

    Armando e Pasquale Marinelli, fonditori di Campane

  11. Vicky permalink
    March 18, 2017

    What a beautiful letter of support from Signor Marinelli. I hope it can accompany the Petition to Karen Bradley.

  12. Ben Inman permalink
    March 19, 2017


  13. John snooks permalink
    March 19, 2017

    I’m from Whitechapel.And like me and thousands of others who have now gone.This will be yet another collapse of East end life disappearing.Very sad.

  14. Douglas Milsom permalink
    March 19, 2017

    I support this petition. The fine peal of 10 bells at St. Mary’s Church, Harrow-on-the-Hill were cast and re-cast there.

  15. March 19, 2017


  16. Brian Edwards permalink
    March 20, 2017

    After the Great Fire of London in 1666 the Whitechapel Bell Foundry founded a number of the bells that contributed to the sound of ‘Oranges and Lemons’. In 1719 Richard Phelps (c,1670-1738), born and bred in Avebury, Wiltshire, founded a bell for the parish church which has been heard by the antiquaries researching the site since the investigations of William Stukeley at that time and is now one of the sounds of a UNESCO World Heritage site. The historic presence and traditions in skills these extraordinary episodes in history represents, highlights these and other entirely unique contributions to the nation’s heritage will never be extended into the future should the foundry close and contents sold. Please sign and lets us try and save the foundry for future generations.

  17. Rosie carpenter permalink
    March 29, 2017

    This is a living, breathing, working entity that holds stories from the past and makes stories for the future
    They are it’s stories
    Which must be protected
    We have to respect our past.
    Places like this are what make London great
    You take them away and it’s less great
    Until it’s insignificant

  18. Paul permalink
    February 3, 2019

    Worlds gone bonkers ,who wants a poncy boutique hotel ,boutique ! Who started that one some right pillock , to many old buildings destroyed in london by greedy developers and in there own world fartichtects sorry i meant architects. Argh ! Extremely annoyed ordinarily person.

  19. Peter Metaxas permalink
    February 17, 2019

    I support this petition wholeheartedly. I have emailed the planning committee stating my objection[s] to the the application by Raycliff Capital.
    This would be such a loss, the art of bell making must be preserved.

    Peter J. Metaxas
    Station Building
    2546 Iona Road, Belfast P.E.I.
    Canada C0A 1A0

  20. Gill Hewitt permalink
    September 1, 2019

    The Bell Foundry has to be saved. It’s a unique part of
    our London heritage

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