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Return Of The King Of The Bottletops

October 8, 2013
by the gentle author

Robson Cezar

A pair of huge Staffordshire Dogs appeared in Rough Trade East in the Old Truman Brewery yesterday to the amazement of those browsing for new music. Fashioned by Brazilian artist and Spitalfields resident, Robson Cezar, from almost seven thousand bottletops, they are harbingers of the imminent arrival of my new London Album.

After collecting, sorting and glueing so many bottletops in place, no wonder Robson threw his hat in the air as a gesture of triumph when his magnificent gleaming picture was finally installed. If you have enjoyed a drink in The Golden Heart in Commercial St or The Carpenters Arms in Cheshire St recently – then, unwittingly, you may have contributed to the creation of these fearsome beasts.

Yet these dogs are just part of a menagerie of creatures created by Robson Cezar this year, seemingly given animate life by the shimmering light and moving reflections which are a quality of his unique artistic medium, conjuring sophisticated effects of colour and tone using waste materials that no-one else values.

Robson Cezar with his Squirrel Monkey fashioned out of seven thousand bottletops.

Polar Bear

Red Squirrel

A Vida Continua – Life Goes On

Staffordshire dogs at Rough Trade East

Photographs copyright © Sarah Ainslie

You may like to read my original story

Robson Cezar, King of the Bottletops

23 Responses leave one →
  1. Deby (in Canada) permalink
    October 9, 2013

    Love all of Robson’s pieces- thanks for sharing them.
    The Staffordshire dogs are splendid and a perfect herald
    for your new book next week!

  2. Nick Appleton permalink
    October 9, 2013

    The return of the king! Magnificent! Such fabulous mosaics. xx

  3. Vicky permalink
    October 9, 2013

    An artist indeed, down to his bottletop socks.

  4. October 9, 2013

    Wonderful art powered by a vivid imagination. I’m tempted to just buy bottled beer in the Golden Heart from now on!

  5. Howard permalink
    October 9, 2013

    might Robson find bottle top donations useful? – or does he have quite enough already?!

  6. Ros permalink
    October 9, 2013

    Wow! These are wonderful – look like some of Robson’s best ever.

  7. October 9, 2013

    Big smiles on this–LOVE!

  8. October 9, 2013

    Wow – I’ve got to pop round and see that

  9. Hazel Parker permalink
    October 9, 2013

    Absolutely Fantastic, I’ll show my ” arty “friends.

  10. Gary permalink
    October 9, 2013

    Magnificent !
    What patience he must have

  11. lucilene cezar de souza permalink
    October 20, 2013

    Adorei o seu trabalho com tampinhas – continue com essa linda criatividade! Beijos

  12. Jessica Cezar permalink
    October 20, 2013

    Amo seu trabalho de tampinhas… vc é muito criativo! Beijos by:Jeh

  13. Isaura Cezar permalink
    October 20, 2013

    Parabéns meu filho, lindo, lindo, lindo!!!

  14. Isac Nunne's permalink
    October 20, 2013

    Super Bacana’ (“,)

  15. October 20, 2013

    Everything so beautiful – Love it I am proud of you!

  16. October 20, 2013

    Just by looking at my uncles art work gives me such inspiration! I remember when I was about 6 years old me and him would play around with play dough and we would make little pieces of rings, necklaces , earrings .. or we would create a small kitchen with the pans , cups etc. He has patience for so many things , he is truly an AMAZING artist! I give credits to those who take there times to make such a strong image thru there art and I am glad I have a member in the family who does this as well .

  17. October 20, 2013


    Great work!!!! everything nice and neat

  18. October 20, 2013


    Estou muito orgulhosa do seu talento, continue assim bjus…..

  19. October 20, 2013

    Excelente o trabalho dele, eu sou fa parabens sucesso.

  20. October 20, 2013

    muito talento ficou demais sucesso pra voce parabens

  21. Carlos Alberto permalink
    October 21, 2013

    Adorei seus novos trabalhos com Tampinhas Voce vem a cada dia se aperfeiçoando mais são muito originais e unicos continue assim Parabens

  22. Lincoln Carvalho permalink
    October 22, 2013

    Parabéns Robson.
    Este codinome “O Rei das Tampinhas” não foi um acaso.
    Como em um reinado só existe um Rei, na arte das tampinhas só existe um artista: você, que brilhantemente vem encantando os olhos de quem as vê.
    Sua arte garante a reciclagem das tampinhas e ao mesmo tempo estampa os murais com sua arte poética, genuína e sensível. Sua imaginação não tem fim.
    Parabéns pelo artista que é.

  23. sergio antunes permalink
    February 6, 2014

    Parabens Robson!

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